That being said, if you guys want to setup a bounty on something, I will of course consider it.
Unrelated note: I still don't have an Avalon myself to work with, so if anyone is planning to get rid of theirs, please let me know...
I want to end up with (a) shell script(s) that can start with a fully standard newly installed & updated Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) that has bytecoind built & installed,
1. do apt-get install
2. git an eloipool distribution
3. perform any necessary localizations and have bytecoin mine to that eloipool installation.
I am aware of the eloipool installation thread, but I still have some learning curve and have not been successful getting it to work. I don't know whether I am an hour or a month away from reconciling the working system that I have, and the differences between it and the forum thread's procedure.
I can provide access to a VirtualBox installation of Ubuntu with bytecoind if that will be helpful.
I have a 2nd VM with a working eloipool + bytecoin, but this was the result of unzipping a file sent by a forum member, and I want to have a process that goes to official sources.
What sort of bounty would interest you in this?
What's the difference between eloipool and P2Pool?
P2Pool doesn't work well with ASICs.
Explain what you mean exactly?