[match_work_count27] => 18
[match_work_count28] => 18
[match_work_count29] => 0
[match_work_count30] => 0
[match_work_count31] => 18
[match_work_count32] => 18
[match_work_count28] => 19143
[match_work_count29] => 444
[match_work_count30] => 381
[match_work_count31] => 19006
Also see this...is this a good reading?
[match_work_count32] => 24067
[Controller Version] => 2000000000
Thanks ahead for looking.
I see from from posts in hear that modules do drop out and it looks like workers 29 and 30 are the common failed modules. So I guess I can replace them if I find working mods for sale. I also noticed that Utility is only at 7...I take it that is not right?
Elapsed 10h 34m 12s
MHSav 105,267
MHS5sec 106,038
FoundBlocks 0
Getworks 2,830
Accepted 4,664
Rejected 13
HW 28,669
Utility 7
Discarded 5,621
Stale 0
GetFailures 0
LocalWork 1,023,906
RemoteFailures 0
NetworkBlocks 89
TotalMH 4.005594e+09
WU 1,470
DiffA 917,144
DiffR 2,328
DiffS 0
BestShare 366,995
I could really use some help...I hope I haven't broken some kind of protocol by asking these questions.
You would need to replace the entire module, the sub boards are fabricated at one large board which = 1 module.
I am in the same boat as you, my 29 sub board is dead for some reason even though there is nothing burnt on it.