Magicpool shutting down on 1. September, after problems with payment and some investigation to bring more attention to the pool, they decided to shut down.
Sometimes posts get eaten here, thought you might have moderated rights to the thread.
1. Not true, there seems to be a problem with localization and while it's not the 0 position it's probably a issue with 12/24 hour format as it also has problems with the date, where it seems like it's not organized properly. Some parts of the world are DD/MM/YY, where the US is MM/DD/YY. Static IPs are a lot of tedious work, especially as your network grows. The solution would be to run a active directory, which entails a lot more work. This is something that should be built into AM as AM is made to make mining easier, not harder, and I don't believe it's beyond scope.
3. Bandaid fix and not something you want in a mission critical environment. I have something similar already setup, but you have to manage each installation and make sure they're identical at all times or bad things happen.
Don't play dev when you're not the dev. Ideally we should be working to improve a piece of software, not come up with arbitrary rules as to why things can't be fixed or improved upon.
1. lol really? you can´t read your own localization clocks? Your screenshot show that all is working right. All is the right row.
all is right, but you are not. show me who should be quieter here.
2. tedious work? depends an what tools, miner, rigs you are using and how much you grow in what time, but tedious work not really.
3. Bandaid fix? static IP´s is not a bandaid fix, but ok. make sure they´re identical? Why? not necessary.
AM has big customers, if this is really all needed, it would be integrated a long time ago.
Patrike described a good way if you want to use your MAC addresses, this working good.
I don´t know what your problem is. Don´t play mining if you don´t understand something. If you don´t explain it good, how should we help. And what is wrong to help people here? Are you a 2miners admin? Because they acting like you, need help, but want no help. This is a community and i use AM for over 6 years now, some small features are suggested by me! And i am here to improve it all the time, how long are you active here and help out to find bugs and so on? Unbelievable, and this is called community.