I can confirm this, but on Windows 10 only. It is ok on Windows 11.
It appears that Rigel is using a standard CMD window on Windows 10, but is using Windows Terminal on Windows 11.
Update: I was able to reproduce this when running with Administrator privileges. Rigel starts two processes. When not running as Administrator, both close down correctly when you stop via Awesome Miner. However, when the mining process has been started as Administrator, only one of the two Rigel processes are terminated. For this reason, the Rigel mining continues to run. I will investigate possible solutions here.
"Use Ctrl+C event" is NOT enabled.
On my Win10 PC I went to the Windows Store and installed Windows Terminal. Didn't seem to make any difference. I set up an override to not start Rigel with admin privileges and it it worked just fine. Of course, would prefer a solution that does not require that override. I will patiently await your solution.
Again, it is working just fine on Win11.
It is now sort of working. On both Win10 and Win11, it sometimes successfully stops the miner, but sometimes does not. I am running all miners with Administrator privileges.
In case you run into this again, can you please use the Windows task manager to confirm that it's possible to manually terminate the process.
I'm not currently using Rigel due to this issue. However, when I was using before finding the issue, I was able to terminate the left over Rigel process using the Task Manager.