That this will be ported to Linux any time at all?
I don't mean 'it works in Linux', because it actually doesn't work in some Distros and not so well in others.
Just curious.
#crysx #cwi
Definetly works better with Windows. It's easy to understand as AM is probably developped in .net, probably C#. I gave up on linux, too much trouble.
'Linux' ...
Probably using Ubuntu - and you call it 'Linux' ... No - Linux is the OS and Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS and others are Distributions and builds of 'Linux'.
Linux itself is BY FAR easier and more flexible than Windows will EVER be. Take it from a Miner here that has been doing this for almost 12Years now, and has one of the Largest Mining Farms in the Southern Hemisphere.
Windows couldn't do 1/10th of what 'Linux' does in a heartbeat.
But thanks for your input anyway. C# is a copy and clutter of C++ in many ways that Miscrosoft Fuddles together. Still to this day, it requires MORE resources than C/C++ AND the remnants of a slow cumbersome operating System Called Windows (or at least the Base of Windows).
A Native Fedora/CentOS or Ubuntu/Debian Linux Port would show you how magnificently it proves My point in performance and Flexibility.
Unfortunately - this Wonderful package has no plans to go there, so We will continue using the Package We have, and the Management systems We have currently - which works VERY Well by the way anyway. It would have been nice if Awesome Miner was one of those Packages.
#crysx #cwi
Sorry but what your are talking is so wrong. Linux is flexible yes if you know how. Linux is easier than windows? In no fucking way - search a random person on the street and speak with normal people about this - every normal person will say that windows is easier. Nearly every person on this planet can handle easy things on windows, but not on linux. Install a driver on windows is only clicking on buttons - and on linux?
And when you are so a tough guy, why you don´t build your own small linux distribution with all needed stuff for AM?
I do the same with windows, and i will build my own linux based on ubuntu in the next months - i must learn more about linux - because it is so easy as you said
I don´t see a point to use the AM main application on Linux distributions. You say you are using an complete package Browser based - Browser based what a crap - if you working with big networks, it is always better to use server/client based applications and not this browser shit. Why nowadays all is browser based - this sucks - to much security leaks.
One of the biggest farms in the southern hemisphere? Hmm any proof? I don´t heard about you and you support mainly low cap coins, so this looks not so big.