Here is a small update about what's in the pipeline and the plan is to include it in a new release within the next 24 hours.
* Claymore 11.0 with the new dual mining algorithms
* Excavator 1.4.3 supported as Managed Miner and Managed Profit Miner
* A new profit switching feature where the profit switcher looks at the accepted shares of the mining to try to figure out if the current pool is failing. If there are no accepted shares for 8 minutes (configurable), the pool will be ignored by the profit switcher for 5 hours (configurable). The feature will be disabled by default.
Please note that if the pool is reporting that the shares are accepted, but still fail in some other way (payouts not as good as expected, shares not counted although reported as accepted, ...) it will be impossible for Awesome Miner to detect. Awesome Miner will not be able to solve all pool issues, but hopefully help a bit.
The release will contain more than the items above, but I think these three items are the most requested and discussed right now. Thanks for all feedback.
I can also point out that Bminer probably will be the next mining software for me to explore.
Thanks for the improvements.
The problem was that accepted shares that was reported by ccminer was between 19000 and 53000 and the method you described won't work, because accepted shares on pool's reports was zero, see this : I opened and the miner's array are not uniquely identified by AM with ID fields from miner's array (you leave it empty) and also accepted field from each miner remained to zero even if AM was mining for 3 hours. So from my point of view you are not reading and you are not using the real values from the pools that are the most important, because only the registered hash-rate on the pool's side is that transforms to payments.
The implementation is simple and will fix a lot of issues all caused by the fact that you read what miners are reporting (that many times miner lie and report misleading values to hide the developer / or hacker's stealing fee) instead of reading values recorded from the pool that many times, with many miners are lower.
I also think that you should use
total_earned field from
/api/walletEx?address= and add checks like :
1) if value decreased it means you were mining an orphaned fork - this happened last week, and was reported on this forum and also we saw that on all pools 8 hours of income vanished because all MA users with 24 hours statistics were mining on ahashpool orphaned CRC coin . Also AM could cause 51% attack and soft fork that means all AM users will loose all the money on that branch (I hope you know what I am talking about).
2) if the value increases you have the difference and you will have to show a new column for each miner with
pool's earnings reports the statistics with income per unit of time (make the difference between 2 requests from the pool in seconds and if the reports are not identical (because pools refresh statistics every few minutes) divide the income to the number of seconds and you have real income from the pool in $.
3) Add in rules triggers and actions (a very useful part of AM, congrats for that, btw) new items based on the
accepted and
total_earned fields from pool's statistics (all you need is some associative arrays to store values for each pool. New rules will be much better than flawed "accepted" rules we have now.
Am users will compare values from the pool with values from the statistics and will notice that :
1) the miner is stealing and reporting inflated hash rates that is a practice these days and you are ignoring it;
2) a specific pool is stealing or is not functioning correctly for any reason (errors, restart, ddos).
3) AM users will really appreciate you because they feel you are on their side, because they have together millions of dollars on your hands and you have a huge responsibility to protect their inestment
So, do you understand, Patrike ?