Hey guys!
Thank you very much for creating AM! I'm currently using it on all my 3x6 rigs now.
I would like to invest further in the software. Just wanted to confirm a few things from those who already have version beyond the free one.
1. If I upgrade, would I be able to manage all 3-6 rigs for example from 1 rig that I use as my main?
2. How do I get the most of the "Balance" page in the GUI?
3. Would more pools be added in the profile switching section later on or is this something I can do on my own via the customs pools? I understand I can mine specific coins via the customs pool as I already tried this with a few coins in the past.
4. I use nvidia gpu's. If I mine via dstm and ccminer in the profiles, I get errors that the rm.exe file needs reinstalling for dstm and ccminer crashes. This only happens to 1 or the rigs. Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction as to how I can fix this?
5. Are there any tips as to how I can stabilize settings so that my current AM doesn't restart miner after a few mins? I've double checked on my rules and they're conservative enough to wait for progress and such. I'm not pushing the gpu's so much too. On one of my rigs which have the same settings, I can get 8hours straight of uninterrupted mining.
Thank you!