Has anyone seen similar issues? Is this a problem with MPH or AwesomeMiner, maybe it's how I have profit switching configured? For now, I just turned off Skein in my profit switching profile until I can troubleshoot further. When it was switching to Skein at such a low profitability I would compare to WhatToMine and still see other coins that MPH supports at higher profitability so I'm at a loss why it would switch to Skein...
Having the same issue.
After disabling Skein completely, I had it happen with $13 Neoscrypt switched from $30 Equihash according to current to WTM. I know our benchmarks and the MPH profit stuff all feeds into the switching algorithm but it seems like something is clearly buggy? If I manually factor in my benchmarks and WTM and look at what MPH shows for the current coin of a specific algorithm it still doesn't add up to it only mining a $13 coin.