Can you give us some more information here? Can you run the diagnostics and post the results?
I am South African so our currency is ZAR and for some reason it says the profit is R4500 per day ($361)?!
Starting Diagnostics. Awesome Miner version: 4.2.4
Starting Mining Software
Setting up Miner Engine. Instance: 7
Engine Type: CcMiner, Auto Download: True, EnginePath: , Subtype: Disabled, CustomExecutable:
Added rule for: C:\Users\walte\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\ccminer-2.2.2_7\ccminer-x64-2.2.2-cuda9\ccminer-x64.exe
C:\Users\walte\AppData\Local\AwesomeMiner\ccminer-2.2.2_7\ccminer-x64-2.2.2-cuda9\ccminer-x64.exe -a keccak -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1Q5ZWrHi4s9JkBaMzdGBjmxkJsBYoGhwTF -p x -b (WindowMode: ConsoleFormat, EngineType: CcMiner, IsProfitMiner: False)
Mining Engine Process started, PID: 13120
> *** ccminer 2.2.2 for nVidia GPUs by tpruvot@github ***
> Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 9.0 64-bits
> Originally based on Christian Buchner and Christian H. project
> Include some kernels from alexis78, djm34, djEzo, tsiv and krnlx.
> BTC donation address: 1AJdfCpLWPNoAMDfHF1wD5y8VgKSSTHxPo (tpruvot)
> [2017-12-27 09:43:21][36m Starting on stratum+tcp://[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:21] NVML GPU monitoring enabled.[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:21] NVAPI GPU monitoring enabled.[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:21] 1 miner thread started, using 'keccak' algorithm.[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:22] API open to the network in read-only mode on port 4034[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:33][33m Stratum difficulty set to 32 (0.25000)[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:33][36m keccak block 2326883, diff 4265.127[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:34] GPU #0: Intensity set to 21, 2097152 cuda threads[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:34] GPU #0: Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti, 72.35 MH/s[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:38] GPU #0: Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti, 1048.95 MH/s[0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:39][01;37m accepted: 1/1 (diff 0.716), 945.60 MH/s [32myes![0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:40][01;37m accepted: 2/2 (diff 3.744), 954.37 MH/s [32myes![0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:40][01;37m accepted: 3/3 (diff 0.278), 954.37 MH/s [32myes![0m
> [2017-12-27 09:43:40][01;37m accepted: 4/4 (diff 1.764), 954.37 MH/s [32myes![0m
Stopping miner process ...
Stopping Mining Software
Diagnostics completed
As you see the coin is unspecified, suggestions?
Specify the coin or the algorithm to help AM understand what it's mining. If the coin is not built into AM, then add the coin with some information so that AM knows how to provide you with your potential earnings.