Hello Patrike,
Below are some bug reports and some suggestions:
1) When you copy/paste an address into a field (Nicehash, Hashrefinery, Zpool, etc) it is possible to accidentally paste an invisible new line at the end of the address.
This new line will remain there screwing up your miner's launch and without you knowing why it is failing. Took me about 2 and half hours of debugging to find the culprit.
The program should sanitize that information and remove any non alphanumeric characters.
2) It is impossible to add some algorithms. I mean, you can add them and it seems like they are added but they never appear in the "Online Services" tab (the one with the Revenue/Profit list, not the one inside Options).
Try it yourself... attempt to add "yescrypt" and make it appear for Hashrefinery. I have tried on several computers and the program simply refuses to show it even after following all the steps, adding the algorithm, adding it to the mining software and then adding it to the pool in Online Services (the one inside Options).
Thanks for your feedback:
1) I can add white space trimming to minimize input mistakes
2) Hash Refinery API is down, and that's probably why you can't get Awesome Miner to read new pools from it. I tried this with zpool intead and it works with yescrypt (I tried to add it to cpuminer-opt, works great but maybe not the most profitable mining I ever seen).
1) Create a rule capable of detecting the algorithm being launched.
2) Allow for "Factor" to be defined for custom pools just like we are able to do with the default ones.
3) The benchmarking tool needs some love. Instead of being forced to benchmark each card one by one, it should benchmark the whole lot together.
I know Nicehash used to do it individually (later improved in the legacy miner) but at least they would launch separate miners depending on the profitability of each card.
Right now your program is not designed to do anything like that, so I don't see any reason why benchmarking has to done one card at a time.
As an example, look at what MultipoolMiner does. Simple, efficient, grouped benchmark.
4) After the previous one, you would want to include several versions of the same miner software (like you do now with two versions of ccminer and sgminer).
Once the benchmarking is handled with all cards as a single group, it should do every algorithm with every compatible miner and keep the best performer.
5) Allow us to define different levels of "-dcri" for Claymore Ethminer. Right now this is impossible to do, even if you try to work around it by creating another algorithm with a new name.
Either allow us to add dual mining algorithms or modify the current one so it is capable of having several fields for several values of "-dcri".
Thanks for reading! Here's hoping to see the bugs squished soon.
I will comment on a few only, but I appreciate the feedback.
2) Do you have multiple pools on the same coin? Otherwise you could set the profit factor on the coin itself (Coins tab, then click Coin Properties in the toolbar)
3) I will not argue that the benchmarking can be improved. But do you have that many different GPU types you need to benchmark, compared to how many miners you have in total? If you have a large number of miners, benchmarking a single GPU should be time saving as you don't have to benchmark so many rigs.
5) Can you explain the -dcri part a bit more? Is it per secondary coin you want to set unique (like -dcri 30 for Pascal and -dcri 60 for Decred?) or is it per GPU? In your Profit Profile settings, you can select Claymore Etheruem miner and click Configure, where you can set different device profiles (where -dcri is a part) for each secondary coin. Please let me know if I didn't understood your question correctly here.