I have a question about C# API, in the recent betas you've changed the initializer for PredefinedPool class
now it is declared as
PredefinedPoolProvider(AwesomeMiner.Infrastructure.Intelligence.OnlineServiceType, string, AwesomeMiner.Infrastructure.Mining.Pools.MiningRegion)
I've tried to guess but didn't succeed.
thank you.
Depends on your pool. You can find the regions at the pools or in awesomeminer options in profit switching section.
also, script editor complains that AwesomeMiner.Infrastructure.Mining assembly is missing, so type MiningRegion is undefined.
hope that's enough details to find the issue. patiently waiting for a fixed build, @patrike. thanks again.
Can you share some context how you use it and in what way it changed/broke in the latest development release? You can send the details via PM if you want. Thanks!