Version 8.4.8 (Development preview of 8.5) Note
- The code signing certificate for the MSI installers has been updated. Windows may show a SmartScreen warning as the certificate is new.
GPU mining
- Beta: Awesome Miner and Remote Agent can be configured to communicate via Cloud Services, without a direct communication link between them. This makes deployments of remote sites easier as it no longer requires VPN.
- Virtual Miner Groups can include other Virtual Miner Groups
- Reduced the number of separate DLL-files for Awesome Miner and Remote Agents
Mining software
- PhoenixMiner 5.6d
- Lolminer 1.28a
- CpuMiner-Opt 3.16.3
- Correction to the trigger for detecting if a miner isn't hashing
To get access to development versions, open the Options dialog in Awesome Miner. In the General section, enable Check for development versions. Then go to the Menu and click Check for updates.
Direct download links if needed: Hi Patrike,
My progress column did not work after the update:
"+"Up: " + "" + string.Format("{0}d {1}h {2}m", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(system.WindowsUptimeSeconds).Days, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(system.WindowsUptimeSeconds).Hours, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(system.WindowsUptimeSeconds).Minutes) + "
"+" Miner: " + "" + string.Format("{0}d {1}h {2}m", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(status.SecondsSinceStart).Days, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(status.SecondsSinceStart).Hours, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(status.SecondsSinceStart).Minutes) +
"+ " A: "+ ""+ status.Accepted +
"+ " R: "+ ""+ status.Rejected +
"+ " A%: "+ "" + Math.Round((status.Accepted * 100) / (float)(status.Accepted + status.Rejected), 2) + "%" +
"+" S: "+ "" + status.Stale + "\r" +
"+" HW: "+ "" + (status.HwErrors > 0 ? "
" + status.HwErrors + "": status.HwErrors.ToString()) +
"+" HW %: "+ "" + Math.Round((status.HwErrors * 100) / (float)(status.Accepted + status.Rejected + status.HwErrors), 2) + "%" +
"+" Coins/day: "+ "" + Math.Round(miningHelper.GetCoinsPerDay(), 4)
In version 8.4.7 is all fine.
Compact list always not working. I tried only with Accepted shares, no success.
Do you have a link for 8.4.7?
But i write every time use TEAMREDMINER
Quote from your first answer:
This is for Teamredminer, if you use phönixminer, only need the first screenshot i think.
How was I suppose to figure out Phoenix won't work at all LOL
but at this point i didn't see that you want to use binance pool, so i made a config for ethermine that will work for all miners. Did you try this config with Teamredminer?