Hi Patrike,
Zpool's Sha-256 algo is reporting incorrectly, both on their own website, and on AwesomeMiner. I spoke to the Zpool folks, and they said the below:
Me: "Hey guys, is the Sha-256 algo really paying out like the zpool website is listing it as? If so, my balance doesnt seem to be reflecting the massive pump on Zpool currently. Maybe broken API somewhere?"
Zpool: "mBTC per PH"
Me: "Did y'all make a change recently? Becuase it looks like it's reporting incorrectly on your website as well."
Zpool: "well... it was a longtime ago, but just noticed I didn't change the actual stratum to PH, just the front end
so, these are what it should have been a long time ago. Missed a few 000's"
Anyway, can you fix?
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing this information. Zpool had some issues on their side with reporting the profit of some algorithms recently, so I thought the high value of SHA-256 was just part of their other issues. Now when they sorted out the other problems, you are correct that it looks like they actually did a change for SHA-256. I will release a new version for this.
For the moment, you can adjust to this by going to Options dialog, Online services, find zpool SHA-256 and set another "Profit factor".