Ok, so I cloned the git repo, and compiled boolberry. When I fire up the daemon and start the simplewallet, I get the following error:
twiggy@mintsy ~/Wallets/Boolberry $ ./simplewallet
Boolberry wallet v0.3.0.41(4d57523)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl >'
what(): boost::bad_any_cast: failed conversion using boost::any_cast
twiggy@mintsy ~/Wallets/Boolberry $
I'm using Linux Mint 17 XFCE
Any ideas as to why this occurs?
It could be the wrong version of boost like @bb stated. You can use 1.53 or 1.55 but not 1.54. I've never used Mint but have never had an issue compiling on Ubuntu following the official build instructions.
From the instructions at Boolberry.com
http://boolberry.com/howto.html#linuxbuild :
Linux Build
GCC 4.7.3 or later
CMake 2.8.6 or later
and Boost 1.53(
but don't use 1.54) or later.
Here is an example of a build for Ubuntu 13 or 14. The first steps are to add the PPA that contains Boost 1.55. The rest is self explanitory:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 libboost1.55-all-dev git cmake
git clone
https://github.com/cryptozoidberg/boolberry.gitcd boolberry; make -j
The resulting executables can be found in "build/release/src"