and wolf0's one isnt compliled and i have no clue how to compile.... :-/
Try and post the exact command you are using.
simpleminer --pool-addr --login 1DyzX1ag7bWC7qNgFKNN7MJx9s3DesCsm4c7ouWGPf6AbBG5CdAiCP2XmntB2s6eYxDTNDYQZVacxWw F3K68R16QVaypEbs --pass x --
mining-threads 1 --remote_scratchpad
i have tried changeing threads to 2 but still no luck.
Seems like it is not saving scratchpad properly, Try to run like this.. it should save scratchpad to current working dir, instead of trying and failing on this appdata folder. probably something to do with win8.1
think you can ask nicely/wait for someone to compile wolf version if this is not working. Maybe the fix is some obvious thing but sorry I am not a miner or don't use windows