I am bit confused. when I do show_hr it tells me 1090310 - is it 1.09 khs or something else?
@dga - now the solomine seems to be suffering from the same issue:
ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-214:~/boolberry/build/release/src$ ./simpleminer --pool-addr localhost:10102 --pass x --login 1AswkzJ3bYE6UZC7x8ssvyKMnRY8xX5vxghKWzKxgpFWhv7EZaozuXWDpXSpFR26qU4ig2b32FquuXt X9NsqdNK9SewvqTv
2014-Jun-23 13:16:18.511374 Connecting localhost:10102....
2014-Jun-23 13:16:18.512253 Connected localhost:10102 OK
2014-Jun-23 13:16:18.513835 Getting scratchpad...
2014-Jun-23 13:16:20.019629 Scratchpad received ok, size: 8432Kb, heigh=26283
2014-Jun-23 13:16:20.025188 Getting next job...
stuck but mining via boolbd works.
1090310 == 1.09mh/s.
I'll grab an AWS instance and see if I can get simpleminer to stick like that. Does it get stuck also with extremepool?
ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-214:~/boolberry/build/release/src$ ./simpleminer --pool-addr bbr.extremehash.com:5555 --pass x --login 1AswkzJ3bYE6UZC7x8ssvyKMnRY8xX5vxghKWzKxgpFWhv7EZaozuXWDpXSpFR26qU4ig2b32FquuXt
2014-Jun-23 14:30:23.322102 Connecting bbr.extremehash.com:5555....
2014-Jun-23 14:30:23.331967 Connected bbr.extremehash.com:5555 OK
2014-Jun-23 14:30:23.341861 Getting scratchpad...
2014-Jun-23 14:30:24.225721 Scratchpad received ok, size: 8446Kb, heigh=26326
2014-Jun-23 14:30:24.229200 Getting next job...