what's special about this coin?
what distinguishes it from the other cyptonote coins?
Is it more scarce? Is it closer to having a user-friendly GUI wallet and easy transferability between exchanges?
Boolberry Compared to Bytecoin/Monero
Main benefits of the Boolberry(boolberry.com) compared to Bytecoin(bytecoin.org) /Monero (
Blockchain-based hash: unlike Bytecoin PoW hash, which works on 2MB scratchpad and takes avr 30-100 ms, new hash works on blockchain random data to provide operation speed. At the same time mining process is really memory-hard. It gives faster synchronization with network and immunity from DoS attacks.
Transaction outs with guaranteed anonymity. An additional attribute for out is added: it can ONLY be used in the transaction with mixin level in ring signature not less than a given number. The feature is added to ensure the user’s anonymity of transactions ring signature over time.
Alerts (signed by developers) broadcast via p2p mechanism, which will inform participants of the network of critical updates or other important events
Donation-based crowdfunding: the project don't have premine, instamine or other unfair launch. The project has open and transparent model of project financing: part of the emission (1%) is reserved for the development of the project, BUT the rate of emission of these coins will be ?ontroled by network participants (miners) using votes.
As a tribute to technology, we have fixed royalty percentage of donation, charged to the founders of Cryptonote.
Removed dust from block reward - nice little thing to reduce weight of the blockchain transactions outs index.
Wallet addresses aliasing: any wallet can be linked with symbolic name via special type extra record in coinbase. Blockchain will control registered names uniqueness.
More rational emission curve Transaction identification by prefix: this feature will let us to cut off ring signatures from blockchain that under checkpoint - save space by 30-70%(depends of mixin usage)
Pools -
GUI - We understand many would like a nice GUI.
Exchanges - The code is being changed to allow the API calls required by exchanges.
Code - The current implementation does not contain the database, but the problem will be resolved soon. Now all the data is stored in memory, and is periodically ( every 12 hours) saved to the disk via the serialization mechanism, which is not very efficient. For the first year, this will not cause any problems, but they might appear later on. Therefore we plan to implement a database in the first quarter. If there are any volunteers with strong background in this field, willing to help, we will be happy to cooperate.