Your account balance prior to this incident was $37, and we are prepared to restore this amount to you.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
I see the complaint on Askgamblers was closed as unresolved due to no response within the given time frame. Now that you finally concluded the investigation, isn't it possible to re-open the complaint thread to add on more information about the case so that mediators work around it?
Details regarding the exploitation are easier to share over there rather than here in public. What do you think?
I was previously informed by my contact that they're in an attempt to get in touch with AG to get this case resolved. I think, in the past, they can't submit their reply in time because they're still gathering some data to be sure with the findings and apparently forgot to ask for extra time for it. Let me try to reach them again and see if I can get more info on their progress with AG.