I've notify my BC contact about this, please wait for them to get online, noticed my DM, and take a look into your matter.
Thank you, I will wait and hope that my problem will be solved. Thank you for your help
I've heard from them and they've look into it.
In case they don't address it here themselves, and to make things clear, as it turned out, the one banning you was not that Iranian mod who were now fired. The situation was not an instance of a mod doing a power abuse or anything near it at all, as it's their own system who ban you, not him. BC CM [the chatbox admins] played by the rule here.
My contact reached and get me to the bottom of your case with their CM, I got snippets of the chat you made, as a proof from BC's CM division that the narrative this far was not correct. I can break them down if I have to, but I think that's fruitless. And I am not going to share what's provided to me here, anyway, as I believe that's between you and BC --and now me-- but anyone ever crossed path with you on the chatbox surely could attest to it, that the ban was not unjustified, nor unfounded.
Despite all that said above, I plead them to reconsider, and they've granted it due to some factors. BUT, and this is the term I "negotiate with them" to get you to regain access, upon another violation, it'll be perma-ban.