Having said that, if any entity requests KYC in order to continue using their services they should at the very least allow those customers that do not want to continue being their customer the opportunity to withdraw their funds before closing the account. I am unsure how BC Game operate in this respect therefore maybe someone more informative will address this.
in my opinion because some casino sites are not accessible in my country, I use VPN to be able to access and verify KYC, although the risk of being hacked or blocked is high, .
There are only a few sites that still don't allow any of this because they have their own views on this, so doing everything in consultation is always beneficial for both parties
I asked BC.Game to close my account and let me withdraw, they said they couldnt without kyc first. Been trying to verify, have sent all my documents, all of them coinciding since im a legit person obviously, and they havent been good enough to let me verify as of yet.