Anyone should read the thread and arrive at his own conclusion. While there was problem with CN whitepaper, the version on Bytecoin website was ok. You did not check it sticking to the text of OP only. That's the story, not what you're trying to tell here.
What I'm saying is that when the original report by rethink-your-strategy was posted, I looked at everything because as you well know the whole BCN "mystery" was something that interested me at the time. I downloaded the white papers, looked at their dates, signatures, etc., checked web source for the CSS reset, etc. Everything checked out just as it was reported. Then, conveniently, things started to change. New versions of the white paper were "found" on the deep web (much like BCN was supposedly "found" don't you think?). Web sites were edited to remove the CSS reset code, etc. Reports were being posted to refute or question the original research by accounts that were very clearly shill accounts (act now) or very likely purchased (or possibly just affiliated with BCN) hero accounts (bitcoinbear).
Unfortunately, it is no longer possible for people to "read the thread and arrive at his own conclusion", at least not with the same degree of confidence one could at the time, because once that thread was created, evidence started being altered and hidden. If you weren't around at the time yourself and able to check things, you can only rely on people who were, and I'm certainly not the only one who was there and saw what happened. In fact you were too.
EDIT: after discussion in PM I removed the negative trust rating on Rias. I don't know whether he is actively supporting the scam or just confused/open-minded. Since I don't know I won't judge.