2 Questions
Does staking not work if the wallet is closed? My wallet was closed and the last stake I received was on 5/12
Additionally I am using the most current version and it is using a version of openSSL that is listed on the vulnerable list...can anyone confirm this and will there an updated wallet with an updated version of openSSL?
1. If the wallet is closed it can not stake, because you closed it.
2. No future releases are scheduled. No need to fix what is not broken.
1. true
a.SSL heartbleed vulnerability is not seen in your stake blocks, obviously. Its a separate issue.
b. Although larger amounts may stake fine, this release includes broken stake rounding for small amounts therefore needs to be patched.
What do you mean by broken stake? Are you talking about the stake of the stake? I just had a problem with my wallet recently seems somehow my wallet.dat file got corrupted somehow
Not sure what was the cause?If it was from upgrading from the older wallets to new wallets overtime?Or if having too many coins and too many small stakes in turn caused it too be corrupt?My wallet was almost unusable was constantly not responding and freezing up and many small stakes weren't making it to the blocks too confirm and get paid the stake showing up as mystery mark? had like a thousand stake transactions that didn't make it over the months which seemed pretty high .
It seemed to be all small amounts that weren't making it constantly?My wallet was constantly using almost all my cpu resources freezing up my comp. It sucked so bad wallet was almost unusable and in turn couldn't move my coins out the wallet ugh so thought I would try a fresh install and transferring all my coins to a new wallet.dat file too get my wallet usable again ?The transfer seems to completely have fixed the issue as of now wallet is working perfect without using almost all my cpu resources and isn't constantly freezing and not responding like it was before?The wallet isn't staking yet so it appears something to do with staking was causing the issue?Have to wait for the coins to re stake to be sure unfortunately but should be getting all my stake all at once now at least and hopefully issue is fixed by not having so many coins staking the stake in such small amounts
Was wondering maybe if that was the cause and issue I was having ? and Now just having large amounts of coin too stake will fix it as fractions of a coin won't be re staking each other constantly clogging up the network and issue shouldn't happen again because there will be no more small stake to be had?