Yes, it is very important to understand that gambling is not a job or a business, it is entertainment. Of course, there are professional poker players, but that's a completely different story ...
You also need to avoid loans and credits and play only with your own money. If you do not have a job, then you need to look for it, this is the stage in your life that cannot be avoided. Subsequently, after a while, you can already think about starting a business and gambling.
Gambling addiction is a disease and must be treated.
For example, one addiction can be replaced by another emotional addiction. At the same time, both addictions will weaken and will not greatly affect your life.
Maybe that is the issue. Because there are professional poker players people believe that they can achieve the same by just playing. Nobody told them that most poker players make the most out from ads and not from playing poker. The good old times are dead in my opinion.
Yes, for example, youth idol Den Bilzerian is considered a very good poker player.
He is an actor and has played in several films. In 2009 he played a lot of poker. Den Bilzerian is the founder of Victory Poker.
However, he has one secret.
Currently, he only plays with weak players. Many wealthy playboys consider it great fortune to play poker with Dan Bilzerian himself. However, they do not know how to play. Therefore, Dan easily wins a game of poker. This is the whole secret.
Den does not play poker with professional players.
He knows that what matters in poker is not your own level of play, but the level of play of your opponents. This is a very tricky trick.