
Topic: BERNIE SANDERS, WEIRDO IN CHIEF - page 35. (Read 41802 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
December 18, 2015, 11:24:43 AM

The clintons?... But of course. Bernie is done.

    Washington Post ~ DNC: Sanders campaign improperly accessed Clinton voter data
    Buzzfeed ~Bernie Sanders Campaign Accessed Confidential Clinton Data
    New York Times ~ Bernie Sanders Campaign Is Disciplined for Breaching Hillary Clinton Data
    Guardian ~ Democrats punish Bernie Sanders campaign following Clinton data breach
    Bloomberg ~ Sanders Campaign Fires Data Director After Breach of Clinton Files
    CNN ~ Sanders campaign accesses Clinton data, gets suspended from party voter files
    US Uncut ~ How the DNC Just Sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ Campaign in One Devastating Move

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
October 14, 2015, 03:02:35 PM
I prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton. And with the in-fighting that's going on in the right, I feel that the republicans are going to be divided and conquered this upcoming election. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Yes we will have to wait and see.  But don't expect the repubs to be divided and conquered.  That's not going to work this time.

I have no love for socialists. But I really thought sanders was his own man. That image vanished when he touched the hand of the she devil, defending her.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
October 14, 2015, 02:55:33 PM
I prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton. And with the in-fighting that's going on in the right, I feel that the republicans are going to be divided and conquered this upcoming election. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Yes we will have to wait and see.  But don't expect the repubs to be divided and conquered.  That's not going to work this time.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
October 14, 2015, 02:55:21 PM

Trump: That Hillary Clinton did all right last night, huh?

“She got through it fine,” he said by phone this morning. “It was a very kind debate, very gentle. She came out the winner.”

Trump said Sen. Bernie Sanders should have attacked Clinton more and that their on-stage handshake was a mistake. “I think that he’s losing by quite a bit; he shouldn’t have done it,” Trump said of the Sanders-Clinton handshake prompted by Sanders’ saying Americans are tired of hearing about the “damn emails” that continues to dog her campaign.

That was a curious move, and it’s not surprising to see Trump focus on it as a sign of weakness in Sanders. Whether he intended it or not, it sent the message that Hillary would end up being the nominee, and that Sanders would play along when she eventually sends him out to pasture. It’s all the more curious, coming after Hillary’s pounding of Sanders on gun control and on capitalism, which may have been the most surprising moment of the night from Hillary. Trump doesn’t mention it, but Sanders’ lack of response to those two attacks sent the same message. Sanders isn’t in it to win it — he’s in it to score a few points and return to the back bench whence he came.

National Journal’s Ron Fournier thinks Hillary won, too — mainly through deception:

The em­battled front-run­ner won her­self a news cycle or two, be­cause she stretched the truth and played to a friendly audi­ence. It won’t al­ways be so.

It took more than an hour be­fore CNN’s An­der­son Cooper asked Clin­ton about the cov­ert email sys­tem she es­tab­lished as sec­ret­ary of State in de­fi­ance of fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions, sub­vert­ing the Free­dom of In­form­a­tion Act, thwart­ing con­gres­sion­al over­sight, and jeop­ard­iz­ing U.S. secrets. And, even then, her chief rival offered Clin­ton cov­er. …

Pro­fes­sion­al Demo­crats and the party’s strongest voters are cer­tainly tired of hear­ing about the email scan­dal, but it’s not go­ing to go away—not with the FBI in­vest­ig­at­ing wheth­er con­fid­en­tial in­form­a­tion was mis­handled un­der Clin­ton’s sys­tem, and not with in­de­pend­ent voters los­ing faith in Clin­ton’s word.

Char­ac­ter and judg­ment are gate­way polit­ic­al is­sues. An un­trust­worthy can­did­ate might check all your policy boxes, might tickle your ideo­lo­gic­al but­tons, and might even grind away long enough to get your vote—but you’re not go­ing to like it.
That is Clin­ton’s prob­lem. Like it was in 2008, her char­ac­ter is the is­sue that threatens to con­sume all oth­ers.

In other words, she won a brief respite, not the battle. But what she also won was a concession from everyone else on the stage last night that they won’t attack her on that most vulnerable point in her armor. Only Lincoln Chafee made a passing and oblique reference to being scandal-free; the rest of the field refused to engage on Clinton’s character. They had an opportunity to burst the Hillary bubble, but instead they crawled inside of it and pretending it didn’t exist.

As Fournier notes, that won’t be the case if/when Hillary has to compete against the Republican nominee. But for one night, Hillary won in large part because her opponents declined to compete, and Sanders all but conceded on stage. Trump got this one exactly right.

It was clear sanders has no intention to win this. Clinton is her master.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
October 14, 2015, 01:39:37 PM

Watch Bernie Sanders Say #BlackLivesMatter MORE THAN ALL LIVES (VIDEO) #DemDebate

During CNN’s Democrat debate, a Facebook questioner asked: Do black lives matter or do all lives matter? The question was aimed at Bernie Sanders for the obvious reason that his supporters are mostly white.

Let the record show that Sanders said that black lives matter more than all lives.

Watch the segment:

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
October 07, 2015, 10:59:44 AM

Hallelujah! Bernie Sanders Supporters Claim FREE HEALTHCARE WAS INVENTED BY JESUS CHRIST

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
August 16, 2015, 03:41:08 AM
40,000 may be statistically insignificant. But $12 billion is not. That is more than the annual budget of Cyprus.
Any source for your $12M figure? And if you do the math you're talking about an expense equal to $300 per person (12m / 40k). Is that really a ridiculous amount per person for the Gov't to fund to try to help someone who's facing an death sentence disease?

I had originally posted $12 billion. And you changed it to $12 million.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the lifetime treatment cost of an HIV infection is estimated at $379,668 (in 2010 dollars). This will shoot up, as the life expectancy of the HIV infected individuals are on the rise. Now, you should remember that medication costs and health insurance for HIV infected people are highly subsidized by the government, to the tune of nearly 80%.

Why don't the government extend the same kind of subsidies to the cancer patients?
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!
August 15, 2015, 06:35:20 PM
We are talking about illegal immigration. (There is no significant differences between the GOP and Democratic positions as far as legal immigration is concerned) These people don't pay taxes. And you want to hide that fact, by clubbing illegal immigration with legal immigration.
Actually, we're not talking about illegal immigration, we're talking about legal immigration (and I can say that since I'm the one that chose that point as support for my original post). I think both parties are against illegal immigration, but Republicans don't want any immigration..."immigrants steal jobs!", right? Not most of the jobs that most Americans tend to or want to work. And all immigrants, regardless of status pay taxes...there's sales tax on almost anything purchased (if you want to split hairs and it sounds like you do.)

Illegal immigrants are responsible for a majority of crimes in places such as California and New Mexico, and it is very difficult to catch them as they cross the border immediately after conducting the crimes.
If you don't have a source to support that comment you shouldn't represent it as fact. It's an absolute lie...but feel free to share the source if you have one, educate me, us. I won't disagree that the scenario of illegals committing a crime and fleeing the country happens, of course it does's a pretty logical move if you commit a crime and have a home in another place that won't support extradition. The point is that this is not the majority, not even close, it doesn't characterize the immigrant population in the US - legal or illegal, but remember we're just talking about legal immigrants.

40,000 may be statistically insignificant. But $12 billion is not. That is more than the annual budget of Cyprus.
Any source for your $12M figure? And if you do the math you're talking about an expense equal to $300 per person (12m / 40k). Is that really a ridiculous amount per person for the Gov't to fund to try to help someone who's facing an death sentence disease? That amount of money is easily made up by the taxes that those people end up paying in the extra months or years of life they're given by providing these treatments...surely Republicans would love this, right? Allowing people to live with their disease so the Gov't and businesses can get a few more months or years of their economic activity?

You haven't said you're a Republican, so I won't assume. But what you have done is try to sensationalize a stereotype using big numbers, but when those big numbers are analyzed they don't make a very impactful statement.

And for the record, i'm an business all the way. I just don't understand the hypocrisy of the US political parties. It's time for a major change.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2015, 03:22:26 PM
I try not to think all leftists, genuinely, I know for instance that quite a few on the left in America for example are actually a pretty rational bunch, but here in the UK? They're like the republican party inverted.

Oh sweet fucking jesus the irony of them attacking a monument to women LOL, but yeah, they're the kind of people I hate, that and the double standards regarding gender equality have been seriously pissing me off lately, which is something the British don't really like to talk about very much.

We just had a whole thing about A Levels over here and it didn't even slip by Daily Mail readers how biased everyone was being in the photographs and footage towards girls, the left as a whole in the UK may not advocate violence but the certainly have no problem with various forms of government sanctioned discrimination and violence in general, just so long as it helps them and scores them political points.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
August 15, 2015, 03:21:01 PM
I prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton. And with the in-fighting that's going on in the right, I feel that the republicans are going to be divided and conquered this upcoming election. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1000
Soon, I have to go away.
August 15, 2015, 03:11:57 PM
There's rebelling and then there's being a criminal, these days in Britain all I see from the left are twats smashing up businesses and defacing monuments, I would never target defenceless people just 'because'.

You cannot say they are all leftists it takes all kinds of people to be violent, the majority of people I know who are politically active are non violent.
I like you oppose such things, and would like to think the majority of the UK residents are the same.

I cannot even think or remember a leftist twat being violent, oh yes I can Tony fkn Blair, now he and his kind are not welcome.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2015, 02:45:56 PM
There's rebelling and then there's being a criminal, these days in Britain all I see from the left are twats smashing up businesses and defacing monuments, I would never target defenceless people just 'because'.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1000
Soon, I have to go away.
August 15, 2015, 02:19:52 PM
Oh for fucks sake, watching this whole election is like watching the Labour Party here in Britain squabble amongst themselves over the most ridiculous bullshit and it seems to be a contest now of who can look the most crazy.

Those who are against Jeremy Corbyn are Conservatives in disguise imo

I am glad to see a return of someone who is for the people and not the elite.

Please fuck off with your two party thought process >_>

Note: I'm an Anarchist.

Full Definition of ANARCHIST

1:  a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
2:  a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially :  one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.

You called me a violent douchebag, I never used violence back in those days of supporting the miners strike.
Even the protest marches that went on in my City, any violence was then instigated by outsiders, and the aggressiveness of the police.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2015, 01:47:05 PM
So in otherwords a violent douchebag, good to know.

Approx 30 years ago I got arrested for supporting the miners strike, I got blacklisted, could not get a job for years after.

Well I did beat them at this game, I went self employed

What have you done to support  your fellow men.

I have also rejoined the Labour party in the last few days, just like few hundred others, on the back of Corbyn.

You have noticed I support Bitcoin and I'm building my own business myself right? I also counter feminist bullshit that essentially attacks and criminalises all men. Oh wait, I forgot, you're too busy ranting against though evil rich people to notice. Also, for you Americans out there, you know how you have those crazies on the Right like Sarah Palin? These are the people we have to deal with who are on the left.

I hope that at some point you realise people are getting tired of your class and race politics, because the sooner you do the sooner you might be able to do something positive with your life.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
August 15, 2015, 01:44:21 PM
Right now, the Democratic primary competition seems to be mainly between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Knowing what would happen if the Pinocchibitch is elected as the POTUS in 2016, I believe that Bernie Sanders is a lesser evil. He might be a nut, but he is far better than having Hillary Clinton as the US President.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1000
Soon, I have to go away.
August 15, 2015, 01:42:21 PM
So in otherwords a violent douchebag, good to know.

Approx 30 years ago I got arrested for supporting the miners strike, I got blacklisted, could not get a job for years after.

Well I did beat them at this game, I went self employed

What have you done to support  your fellow men.

I have also rejoined the Labour party in the last few days, just like few hundred others, on the back of Corbyn.

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2015, 01:35:52 PM
So in otherwords a violent douchebag, good to know.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1000
Soon, I have to go away.
August 15, 2015, 01:01:45 PM
I am Militant

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2015, 12:56:07 PM
If you're an Authoritarian you can doubly fuck off, it's people like you who are incapable of accepting that there are others with differing viewpoints from you and don't respect that who are the reason that Demcoracy in the western world is dead.
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