The terms for the jackpots are the same terms as,, and every other online casino that uses Betsoft games.
Is there one Jackpot fund for each Game across all these sites?
For example:
If a player hits the .25 denom jackpot at Bitcasino on Greedy Goblins, will Betcoins Jackpot get reset also?
What will it get reset to?
How many jackpots have been hit at Betcoin?
In fact some of these casinos who have been watching this and reached out to us to express their support and have changed parts of their terms to match ours.
Wow thats ironic. several of the casinos have reached out to me also, to express their support and encourage me to continue exposing the truth.
LOL - Why would you even say this? Mysteriously?
The people at CardsChat are smart people and can clearly see what is going on. It took CardsChat, one message and a very short time to go to and figure out very quickly that they shouldn't be on any avoid list. We hope they do the same for SWC Poker. With our new visitors and traffic sources Thursday was a very solid day at Betcoin. [/quote]
The people at cardschat dont really care whats on that list and were happy to accept whatever gift you offered to remove it.
It's too bad you didn't realize it sooner, after the first week and changes are considered unofficial. You will always Be #3 on CardChats July 2016 Blacklist of Casinos to Avoid. ;(
It was a dispute between the player and Betsoft. Everyone knows that including the player. Had we not got involved, the player would have got nothing from Betsoft. The irony to the negative trust is the player that was effected by Lutpin's comment regarding negative trust has more trust for than ever before.
We have now hundreds of daily players for which we are very thankful and have numerous new signups everyday because fortunately people are smart enough to try our service and experience it themselves and once they do, they quickly realize that Betcoin is a great place to play. We have come a long way and have a long way to go and we appreciate everyone's involvement.