It's time to start our pool, since icopress is occupied with bitcointalk Pizza contest I will officially open it in this thread and he will copy/paste most important info to OP.
I will act as escrow for buy-ins on the following address:
Icopress is in possession of sponsorship money so we will join the funds on his or mine addy at some point. You will be publicly notified about it here but I don't think it makes any real difference who among us acts as escrow
After reading through your posts we have decided to put
buy-in fee at 1.5 mBTCAnd now for something completely different, I am gonna trust you all and put code to join the league right here in the post.
You are gonna pay the buy-in fee, send me PM with your tx id and Fantasy name, and only then proceed to join the league. I really hope we are big boys and we can play nicely but in case someone tries to misuse this, I will simply create a new league, and send links over PM while putting problematic people in my black book. Considering this as pilot pool
Edit: I forgot to talk about rewards. It is a bit though to decide right now but we are looking at probably rewarding first 4, in following fashion:
1 - 50%
2 - 30%
3 - 20%
4 - 10%
Percentages are from total money, sponsorship + buy-ins. That works if we have about 20 players. If there are 10 players, we will reduce to the top 3, if there are 30 players we will add 5th reward and so on. This will be finalized on the deadline when we know exact number of players and amounts we have to dish out.