I did not find this in the manual
where to see the full list of parameters?
Please help update one of the documentation files so that you would find this information next time:
retrodiff: Make difficulty changes retroactive (enabled by default for stratum)
redirect: Follow redirect requests to different domains (disabled by default)
skipcbcheck: Ignore errors in generation transaction format (disabled by default)
getcbaddr: Update --generate-to address using the getaccountaddress RPC (disabled by default)
allblocks: If you find a block, upload it to this server even if you found it on another pool (only for GBT; disabled by default)
goalreset: Allow the pool to change blockchains (only for Stratum; disabled by default)
change_goal_malgo: Allow the pool to change mining algorithms (only for Stratum; disabled by default)
cksuggest: Support ckpool's mining.suggest_difficulty Stratum extension (disabled by default)
tlsca: Require TLS certificates to be validated by a known CA (only for Stratum; disabled by default)
tls: Use TLS for secure mining (only for Stratum; enabled by default if supported; required by default if tlsca enabled)
xnsub: Support mining.extranonce.subscribe Stratum extension (disabled by default)