5.3 GH/s @ 36 watts + 20 watts for laptop = 10.6 watts/ghps
68 GH/s @ 620 watts = 9.1 watts/ghps
Efficiency: Avalon
That is an unfair comparison. Drive the Single with a 5-10W mini-computer board similar to the TP-LINK in Avalon (instead of a 20W laptop), and the BFL solution becomes more efficient than Avalon.
The guy is obviously just trolling, you can tell by the repeated misquote of the 32watt BFL power consumption, best to ignore him. There is half the guts of a laptop in the Avalon, like TP-LINK, spartan 6, Ethernet, USB, FTDI, WiFi, there is no reason why you can't use similar bit's to control the BFL unit, nobody says you need a laptop!
Even though the Avalon is old 110nm technology, if someone put up an online shop the Avalon ASIC powered boards for sale when the chips have shipped and Avalon has published their PCB design, I will buy some for the heck of it. Same goes, if I hear factual reports of the BFL units being delivered and reviewed I will order one or two. Both technologies are great compared to GPU mining.