Q: is bankroll ignoring piles with x.001 bbp? what in case that there was som tithe from pile and remaining amoung (-tithe - fees) is something like 9991.90092320?
is it possible to extend bankroll command with source address from which it will take coins?
exec bankroll 50 100 BSDFOSODFIWEsfasdjfoijefeccx0..
it will take 5000 coins from BSDFOSODFIWEsfasdjfoijefeccx0.. and split them or throw error in case of low balance
in this case i will not risk losing some piles with coinage
Yes, exec bankroll will skip pog-denominated balances yes.
As far as the enhancement, I don't think its a priority, but if you want you can put in a ticket in github and we will mark it as enhancement.
You can also help us look for additional c++ blockchain devs to complete our roadmap faster.
In the mean time you can alternatively make as many bankroll denoms as possible, or send your coins to an expirimental wallet and make them there etc.
EDIT 2: Btw, yes you can send those coins from your custom address to yourself with an exact suffix (equaling the bankroll suffix) and it wont spend them in podc update or bankroll create.
my question was if piles are skipped only by suffix 0.001? because if i send tithe from some pile, then pile is decreased no only by tithe amount but also by fees, and then i lost suffix 0.001. from 10000.001 pile i have after tithe 9991.90092320
When you say "skipped" what part of the wallet are you using when "skipping" and when you say "I send" what action are you doing? I can't answer a question that is vague as I spent some time answering your last question and then you said "my question was". Lets have an exact case please.
This is the thing I asked as new feature too.
When tithing 8 bbp from lets say
2000.001 BBP coin it would be very nice to have 1992.001 BBP coin left
This would work only for integer tithes.
Oh ok, yes good idea.
So what they mean is when we create the Tithe transaction in the miner (or in the gui), instead of sending back the regular change, we do it like this:
User has 1000.0010 bbp in the wallet
User wants to tithe 3.05 bbp
Right now we send 3.05 bbp and receive back change of : 996.951 (dont worry about the transaction fee, we have ways to work around that), we should instead do it like this:
A->To Foundation->3.05
B->To My "TITHE" address->996.0010
C->To ChangeAddress->.95
Yeah, thats a nice idea. Could someone please enter a github for it?
It should work for all tithes.