This is a good question actually! The best one yet. So here is the thing. They arent just getting Halo, they will be getting my services throughout the coins life span. This doesn't detract from Blackcoin stuff since for now, most of the work is similar in nature. They explained in depth to me that they are in it for the long run. They were excited a few of them it was their first time starting their own coin and decided they wanted the best features. Now, what makes the fact that they licensed a good thing (at least from my point of view) is that they are actually treating this like a business. Halo is actually open source for review and building purposes. I just change the variable names. It will go open source eventually and so they will next in line behind rat4 from Blackcoin to get that source. My timeline for open source is basically after things settle down and my client has everything automated and the people using it couldnt be happier.
I'm David, the maker of Halo and if you download BitHalo/BlackHalo you will see that it very much exists. If you email me personally I can even show you how to make a contract. Hows that sound?
As for the markets, please check out Blackcoins subreddit, the markets are almost done. If you notice in Halo, Bitmessage had been integrated since May 29th of last year. My main delay was just planning and marketing since I was working alone at the time. The markets use a system of whitelists/burn and a remanufactured Bitmessage to fully decentralize the internet. But in a good way. These white listed markets can allow for a trust building system amongst nodes and is what I believe to be, the future of the internet.
Bitmessage needed to be recoded and 4.4 release fixed a bug I was complaining about for almost 4 months. I'm very happy that Atheros was able to go back to coding and fixed it. However, burn will not be attached to the first release since I would have to change the rules for our peers by adding it to the payload and tying it to the Blackcoin and Bay networks. Also, I'm having a kill switch in the first Beta market to give people some time to play with it and report bugs during its beta(while i code in burn). So this way, i can have frequent releases and still monitor the markets.
The screenshots for the new BitHalo markets are on reddit. There is lots of questions about how much I want to automate in the first version. Baycoin helping out, actually helps me from getting stuck with "scope creep" as they will be interested in funding a dev team which is why I got excited and took the deal.
You guys should skip the 3000btc ipo on an exchange.. and do it on your own marketplace? Why would you use an exchange if you already have a marketplace?
Little bit confused here. Wouldn't this be the best way to enter into smart contracts?
I've never used Bter before. Would prefer to invest through your client.
Let me know if this will be an option.
Sorry read the rest of the op. There is no wallet or smart contracts yet. Or marketplace.
This coin hasn't even launched yet?
So in order to release a wallet. You're asking for 1.5 million dollars?
What does it mean when you say. You are licensing bithalo? I thought it was to be open source? Please explain what you mean my licensing, and provide links to where the proposed public funding would be spent.
I'm only here because I'm interested, but just some head scratching going on here, as it seems you're advertising a nonexistent product.
Perhaps I've read something wrong or missed some links.
Thanks for a response.