Update on our friends from BitClub Network, those altruists who have taken it on their shoulders to mainstream Bitcoin.
You will see more people brought into using bitcoin through Bitclub than any other entity out there. Its a shame that so many people haven't been able to figure out how to decipher the differences between a ponzi and a legit mlm. Watch as we move to 10% of the network so that we can compete with the Great Fire Wall of China.
"Mainstream" as in sell contracts in their MLM to anyone who will listen, as the way to riches, Bentleys and early retirement.
This is pretty much second nature to these guys, a cross between the Dirty Dozen and the Sopranos, with a wealth of experience at selling Ponzis, "Great new food/drink opportunites" and other MLMs for years. (Joby [life hack] Weeks's the one with veneered teeth.)
Anyway, today's progress report features a "webinar", an interesting genre of internet communication, usually consisting of a hard sell of screenshots voiced over with a rough script.
This one's no different, presented by Russ Medlin on the subject of Clubcoin, BitClub's PoS future path to riches.
Russ is one of the Dirty Dozen, a larger than life Vegas motormouth poker player with a history of failed ponzis and MLM pumps. Sort of Telly Savalas character.
(You have to be very careful Googling Russ Medlin, as there's
another one,
very similar looking, with form for CP and stuff)
Here, he explains, in a mix of obsession with details "You gotta make sure your clock is right, you gotta..." and a classic extrapolation fantasy where he expects that Clubcoin will, because discounts on pizza, hit a market cap of
Here ya go, knock yourself out, you can register with a throwaway. I suggest limiting yourself to about 5 minute segments, any longer you may find disorientation setting in.
https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2200090154334116865While Clubcoin is taking over the world, BitClub Pool has ~doubled its hash power since Jan 22 and is now hitting 22 PH/s.
Things are a bit volatile at the moment in hashrateland, as big players seem to be positioning themselves for the halving with the other eye on the imminent arrival of 16nm gear, but this equates to about 2.5% of total hash power. (Despite certain shills claiming 6% and pumpers claiming 10/15% 'soon').
That's a lot of hash power; all that is clear is that it is going thru the free of fees BCPpool, it certainly doesn't mean that all of it is being done in the interests of BCN mining contract purchasers.
As I pointed out in a previous post, the majority of blocks found recently by BCPool have been in the name of recognizable third parties: hashangel, btcbilly, holyscott, stevenbtc and so on. Block discovery by bitclub referenced mining has been steadily
declining, despite appearances.
There is no direct benefit whatsoever to BitClub Network investors from this activity, it is purely padding for stats to look far more impressive than they really are, to someone who doesn't know what they're looking at (i.e. the majority of BCN's MLM recruited 'investors').
BitClub Pool hash rate is not BitClub Network hash rate.The latest increase has coincided with blocks being attributed to "bitclubfury940" for the first time. What this means I know not, although I could hazard a guess.
Even if this additional hashing were being done on investors' behalf, a stat from Russ's webinar comes to mind: BCN are now claiming
40,000 subscribers: at a conservative average of $1500 each, that's
$60 million in investment to be serviced.
When you think that most (probably 60% historically) of that $60m never got a chance to actually be put to work to earn its living, it just gets poured into the matrix and split up amongst the Dirty Dozen and friends, the huge funding gap previously referenced continues to grow, roughly proportional to the volume of the shilling.
A few things seem to be pointing towards a climax coming up:
The pumping of Clubcon
The "great things happening soon" volume increase
The reduction in BCN payout period from 100 to 60 days (and subsequent FOMO increase in punters)
The increase in "hater" abuse from BCN pumpers
The likely short term lease of extra hash power, similar goal to the Chinese pre NY increase, to max out the next few months till the halving?
And that's when they are in danger of the shit hitting the fan, the halving.
Too small to ride out a possible fall in
BTC value, they may have low electric cost for whatever they may mine in Iceland, but they have the huge MLM overhead to service instead.
I shall leave you with this from another of the Dirty Dozen's non stop FB (notice all income is from MLM matrix, none from mining)