I cannot help myself being happy by hearing the idea of bitcoin going mainstream because it highly deserves that but like you said, it requires time. However, I am not in favor of using bitcoin in gambling games, at least not now. The reason is very simple. Bitcoin is still at its early age and fluctuates a lot as it is a potential coin. So the best is to keep it in wallets and not risk in gambling.
See, this is just another argument to say that merchants should not use bitcoin because it fluctuates in value. However I would not go with this argument. I feel that the daily upswings or downswings can be calculated real time just like we have in gold shops where the current price is used to calculate the value of the ornament that you buy.
In this similar manner a brick and mortar casino could use bitcoin to accept deposits. But the problem is the acceptance and popularity of bitcoin.
The few problems that happen are:
1. Loss an anonymity that bitcoin was providing you. You are giving yourself away here.
2. Chances of getting attacked outside the casino by stalkers/robbers/scammers.
Now when an online casino can keep you safe from these problems, why would one go for the land based casino?