So I have been actively trying to find a solution to this robbery of my money! I really need help spreading the word that this company is stealing millions of dollars from people! I tried to contact every social media link they have on their website including twitter, facebook, and every one of the "team" LinkedIn accounts. I also sent several emails to the contact page. I soon realized inspecting the website's code that the link for the contact form doesn't actually have an email account linked to it. So it doesn't actually do anything. I then noticed that at the bottom right of the page there is a support email at
[email protected]. This email had an automated response once I sent the email saying that they will respond to assist within 24 hours. It also mentioned that I was ticket # 554. At the time there were only 2000 investors so this means that over 25% of them have eventually sent an email to support! Desperately looking for someone to contact I went to the website to find the owner info of register contact. I actually found a number in Singapore. I then called that number only to find it was actually a fake number. This website is 1000% fraudulent and needs to immediately be shutdown! This image shows the fake contact info of the website. This image shows the status of my 730 MCAP purchase as "timedOut". This image shows the transaction successfully transferring to BitcoinGrowthFund in the blockchain. This image shows the total time that my support ticket has been processing for two days now!!
Hi all, new guy here:-)
So this is my first post on the forum.. Drey you've written a whole explanation here, with screenshots to prove it, of why the BFG is a sure scam because no one has replied to your emails.
On their facebook page you are telling everyone to relax since your MCAP tokens were given to you after all. So why not come back here and report the good news??
Now it sure does look fishy, this whole BGF business, but it is a startup from Amit Bhardwaj, so maybe it is legit?