I've been receiving many DMs about this script, and I'm not sure what people find interesting in it. I made this script purely for fun.
I want to emphasize that it should not be used for any malicious purposes or to mislead anyone. Its sole purpose is for education, to show how a single seed can create an entire key. Here's the example script.
import random
from bit import *
import random
List = ["13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so","1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9",
count = 0
found = 0
for i in range (100000000):
seed = random.getrandbits(128)
seed_value = int(seed)
seed = str(seed_value)
a = random.randrange(2**65,2**66)
key = Key.from_int(a)
addr66 = key.address
hex66 = "%00x" % a
b = random.randrange(2**66,2**67)
key = Key.from_int(b)
addr67 = key.address
hex67 = "%00x" % b
c = random.randrange(2**67,2**68)
key = Key.from_int(c)
addr68 = key.address
hex68 = "%00x" % c
d = random.randrange(2**68,2**69)
key = Key.from_int(d)
addr69 = key.address
hex69 = "%00x" % d
print('\n\n=============================== Derived From OneSeed =============================\n\nSeeed : {}\nCount : {}\nFound : {}\nAddress 60 : 1Kn5h2qpgw9mWE5jKpk8PP4qvvJ1QVy8su | Private Key : fc07a1825367bbe\nAddress 61 : 1AVJKwzs9AskraJLGHAZPiaZcrpDr1U6AB | Private Key : 13c96a3742f64906\nAddress 62 : 1Me6EfpwZK5kQziBwBfvLiHjaPGxCKLoJi | Private Key : 363d541eb611abee\nAddress 63 : 1NpYjtLira16LfGbGwZJ5JbDPh3ai9bjf4 | Private Key : 7cce5efdaccf6808\nAddress 64 : 16jY7qLJnxb7CHZyqBP8qca9d51gAjyXQN | Private Key : f7051f27b09112d4\nAddress 65 : 18ZMbwUFLMHoZBbfpCjUJQTCMCbktshgpe | Private Key : 1a838b13505b26867\nAddress 66 : {} | Private Key : {}\nAddress 67 : {} | Private Key : {}\nAddress 68 : {} | Private Key : {}\nAddress 69 : {} | Private Key : {}\nAddress 70 : 19YZECXj3SxEZMoUeJ1yiPsw8xANe7M7QR | Private Key : 349b84b6431a6c4ef1'.format(seed, count, found, '13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so', hex66, '1BY8GQbnueYofwSuFAT3USAhGjPrkxDdW9', hex67, '1MVDYgVaSN6iKKEsbzRUAYFrYJadLYZvvZ', hex68, '19vkiEajfhuZ8bs8Zu2jgmC6oqZbWqhxhG', hex69), end='\r')
if addr66 in List or addr67 in List or addr68 in List or addr69 in List:
print('\n\n================================ Found ================================\n\n')
g.write("From one seed: " +seed+'\n')
g.write("\n" +addr66)
g.write("\n" +addr67)
g.write("\n" +addr68)
g.write("\n" +addr69)
g.write("\n"+seed + "\n"+ "\n")
found += 1
And yes, with great politeness and simplicity... I have allowed the newbie to DM me just to ensure that the creator doesn't drop any hints accidentally
This doesn't mean that everyone should keep messaging, except the creator
, He can message me, 24x7