import secp256k1 as ice
target_public_key = "023d62d9d64a7164a2ae6f0561f7e8317e69b4a1ee61048fe768a1316b39b1d3a7"
target = ice.pub2upub(target_public_key)
num = 100 # number of times.
sustract= 1 #amount to subtract each time.
sustract_pub= ice.scalar_multiplication(sustract)
res= ice.point_loop_subtraction(num, target, sustract_pub)
for t in range (num+1):
h= res[t*65:t*65+65]
data = open("data-base.txt","a")
Is it possible to make it possible to specify an unlimited number in num?
If set num = 1000000000
That throws an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D :\PubSub\", line 8, in
res= ice.point_loop_subtraction(num, target, sustract_pub).hex()
File "D :\PubSub\", line 504, in point_loop_subtraction
res = _point_loop_subtraction(num, pubkey1_bytes, pubkey2_bytes)
File "D :\PubSub\", line 497, in _point_loop_subtraction
res = (b'\x00') * (65 * num)