Also for checkpoint.txt I just need to paste x coordinates on one line per key and save their private keys? What else do I need to change on the script?
I appreciate it.
Edit, I got it running, I just need to know what to change for addition and subtraction, should I put values in decimal? And why it won't show anything on screen? Lol it just blinks endlessly.
Here is how to tune script as per your needs:
1. xy.txt file must have x and y coordinates in decimal format with a single space between them, as I clarified earlier.
2. In checkpoints.txt file you don't need to save their private keys, why? that is whole point, because we keep starting 100 million or 1 billion pub keys' x coordinates which will work as 2 billions, so it is obvious that their private keys are from 2 to 1 billion or the last 1 billion.
3. There are 3 things that you can change, step size to be subtracted, number of steps, and number of iterations.
all these are in numbers not in points.
4. Finally, why script was blinking, is because it was loading checkpoints.txt file, In my case I had 8 GB RAM with around 5.5 GB checkpoints.txt file, on a dual core system. It was taking around half an hour before printing steps.... Be patient, if no error occur, it will start printing within half an hour.
I was also able to update the existing code to utilize almost all available CPU in your machine though leaving space for other activities and it's now 10 times faster...
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
Pcurve = 2**256 - 2**32 - 2**9 - 2**8 - 2**7 - 2**6 - 2**4 -1 # The proven prime
Acurve = 0; Bcurve = 7 # These two defines the elliptic curve. y^2 = x^3 + Acurve * x + Bcurve
Gx = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
Gy = 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
GPoint = (Gx,Gy) # This is our generator point. Trillions of dif ones possible
def modinv(a, n=Pcurve):
lm, hm = 1, 0
low, high = a % n, n
while low > 1:
ratio = high // low
nm, new = hm - lm * ratio, high - low * ratio
lm, low, hm, high = nm, new, lm, low
return lm % n
def ECadd(a, b):
if a == 'O':
return b
if b == 'O':
return a
if a == b:
LamAdd = ((3 * a[0] * a[0] + Acurve) * modinv(2 * a[1], Pcurve)) % Pcurve
LamAdd = ((b[1] - a[1]) * modinv(b[0] - a[0], Pcurve)) % Pcurve
x = (LamAdd * LamAdd - a[0] - b[0]) % Pcurve
y = (LamAdd * (a[0] - x) - a[1]) % Pcurve
return (x, y)
def ECsub(a, b):
if b == 'O':
return a
if isinstance(a, str):
a = tuple(map(int, a.split()))
if isinstance(b, str):
b = tuple(map(int, b.split()))
neg_b = (b[0], -b[1] % Pcurve)
return ECadd(a, neg_b)
def ECmul(a, b):
result = 'O'
while b > 0:
if b % 2 == 1:
result = ECadd(result, a)
a = ECadd(a, a)
b = b // 2
return result
# Read the x, y coordinates from xy.txt
with open("xy.txt", "r") as f:
x, y = map(int,
point = (x, y)
# Read the checkpoint x-coordinates from checkpoints.txt
with open("checkpoints.txt", "r") as f:
checkpoints = set(map(int,
filename_out = "results.txt"
sub_count = 0
# read the last value of j from file
with open("j_value.txt", "r") as f:
last_j_value = int(f.readline())
last_j_value = 0
def process_iteration(args):
j, last_j_value, point, checkpoints, filename_out = args
found_match = False
sub_count = 160000000 * j
for k in range(100001):
if k == 0:
sub_count += 212676479325586539664609129644855
result = ECmul(GPoint, sub_count)
result = ECsub(point, result)
if result[0] in checkpoints:
with open(filename_out, "w") as f_out:
subtractions = sub_count // 212676479325586539664609129644855
f_out.write("{} {} {}".format(result[0], result[1], subtractions))
found_match = True
return found_match
def main():
# Read the x, y coordinates from xy.txt
with open("xy.txt", "r") as f:
x, y = map(int,
point = (x, y)
# Read the checkpoint x-coordinates from checkpoints.txt
with open("checkpoints.txt", "r") as f:
checkpoints = set(map(int,
filename_out = "results.txt"
# read the last value of j from file
with open("j_value.txt", "r") as f:
last_j_value = int(f.readline())
last_j_value = 0
# Determine the number of processes to use
num_processes = min(cpu_count(), 8) # You can adjust the number of processes
args_list = [(j, last_j_value, point, checkpoints, filename_out) for j in range(last_j_value, 10000001)]
with Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool:
results =, args_list)
if any(results):
print("Found match!")
print("No match found.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
All we need now is the checkpoint generation techniques to have enough checkpoints for the code to run even faster and maximize RAM usage