THE LINK TO THE EVIDENCE OF 78 YEAR CYCLE IS AT THE END OF THIS POST. STUDY IT. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT YOUR IGNORANCE.You have no clue what statism means and the economics of the collective. Read the comments at the links at the bottom of this page.
I don't agree with this in the sense that you only look at half the story (It makes me think
you have no clue as to the function statism has in any society).
I think you are only talking about when statism goes out of control.
I fully agree that statism out of control is a bad thing. But no statism at all is also a bad thing.
The only solution is to make sure there is a healthy balance.
Megadeath will happen on both extremes.
Too much statism is megadeath.
Too little statism is also megadeath (because people cannot voluntarily peacefully co-exist when resources are scarse).
Please read this rebuttal (including the comments below the linked one): hang around on bitcointalk talking about the bilderbergs?
For perhaps 10 days of my entire life, and just stated that I am leaving because I am stopping all work on cryptocurrencies.
LOL at how much fail is in that proposition.
You have no chance of not being part of the 1st world system, wherever you happen to live.
Except for the fact that I created back in 1998 from a Nipa Hut and was essentially the world's first social network with 1 million confirmed users at that time when the internet was tiny (had 1% of the internet building their websites with my product), and was earning a significant amount of money given I was the only employee.
And not to mention that precursor to friendster came around to buy me out, but only got a non-exclusive license because I didn't want stock options right before what I knew was a coming crash.
Should I mention I created one of world's first WYSIWYG commercial word processors back in 1986.
Or that I worked on what is now Corel Painter.
Your whole thought pattern is prove of that. You concern yourself with luxury problems of our society with no regard to the actual problems (and solutions to those problems) of third world countries. You show absolutely no insight in the actual dynamics that drive world economy. You put all blame in one thing (and that happens to be the subject of rich westerners conspiracy fantasies) and then see everything from that point of view.
To use bitcoin they need computers and fast internet to be ubiquitous.
But in a 3rd world country these are exactly the kinds of things that are missing.
To use bitcoin (not mine it), requires rudimentary smartphone with a client and rudimentary internet connection.
Both are ubiquitous in the Philippines where I am, which has higher penetration of cell phones than in the USA (most people own more than one), and there is an internet cafe on every street corner (if not 2 or 3).
Bitcoin is so terribly expensive in use that it is pretty much meaningless for people in the 3rd world.
Yes it is useless for transactions now. It is only a gambling casino right now (or speculation).
BTW, I can buy Bitcoin in the Philippines, do a damn Google search before you foam at the mouth.
I think those people are much more worried about their food and water supplies than about the possibility to sell their luxury products to some overseas fat white guy.
Nearly all income comes from exporting their products and people to service developed countries.
And they are fanatical about getting an education and about finding opportunities to generate income from abroad.
Usually these countries have very low industrialisation so WTF are they going to sell on the internet and in enough quantities to maintain their bitcoin ecosystem?
Native products, including bamboo furniture, artwork, carvings, but more importantly now they sell their time to do business process outsourcing, for example compiling corporate records, or medical records and zillion other things at 1/20th the cost of a westerner doing the same job.
There are even freelancers doing marketing surveys, writing blog posts to get share of advertising revenue, teaching english to other nationalities over Skype, and a zillion other things.
I personally know people doing all the things I mentioned above. I have been to their houses and see them doing it. Dumb ass!
If you don't have food then you can't invest in the kind of technology that is needed for bitcoin.
Come over here and see all the fat people. And girls with big breasts. Dumb ass!
Maybe you are thinking more of Africa, but I know someone in Ethiopia and they highly censor the internet, but the floodgate will open there, and the people are eating a lot more these days than you think. She recently added me to a social network I'd never heard of. People are much more aware and connected than you think. The change is happening so fast, that talking about last year's conditions is silly.
Bitcoin cannot ever help severely underdeveloped countries to get on top of their problems.
In some cases bitcoin could help but it can't change basic things like infrastructure or climate or political regime.
Who ever asserted that Bitcoin would solve every problem in the third world?
I was more interested in Bitcoin as a way other than gold for rich people to hide their capital from the statism failure that is going to confiscate everything in the next few years.
The idea that 3rd world people will become enslaved by bitcoin isrealy stupidly crazy. There is just not even the slightest posibility bitcoin will be meaningfull to these people.
If it would happen then it would be fascism, but it's just not very likely to go that way.
The entire world is going to be enslaved by the economic failure of statism and the confiscations are going to worsen the failure. The developing nations are short the dollar via massive dollar loans as the Fed has been flooding the world with dollars. Thus the more severe the confiscations (the less can be hidden), the worse the developing world is going to be hit with implosion and chaos.
Read an expert who called the decline in gold before it happened:, and fascism will be there with or without bitcoin. Welcome to the world, it has not been different since known history.
The hope was another place to store capital to prevent the fascists from confiscating it (via their control over government).
The solution is not in bitcoin, the sollution is in reducing the power of these bankers. Trusting in some technology to solve your problems for you is tremendously stupid.
And so trusting in bitcoin to solve all your problems is also tremendously stupid.
In the end all change starts with people, not with technology.
That is because the actual problem is people, not technology.
The failure is guaranteed by the economics of statism. You still haven't read the links I sent you. Google this
"Some Iron Laws of Political Economics".
There is no solution to avoid the failure. The only hope is to save yourself.
And yes to help as many people as possible to learn how to do hitech, so they won't be unemployed. ANd this is all about technology.
But that won't stop the coming failure and confiscations.
These people would first need to have food, housing and work before bitcoin would start taking on a meaning.
They can't have that unless they know how to do hitech, because other skills are going into the dustbin of robotic and automation pre-history.
Everything hinges on technology. For example, online education, which I am creating: don't know this Children's International. It seems it's a US organisation. Funny that you know about them when you live in a 3rd world country when i don't know about them and i live in a 1st world country.
I think you're bullshitting and have never in your life visited a 3rd world coutry.
I was born in the USA. I emigrated in my mid-30s (48 now), but not permanently except perhaps since 2006.
If they own your ass then bitcoin never had a chance anyway. Your whole paranoia about a weakness in bitcoin is fantasy because they can control the societal dynamics despite it.
Indeed, except if there was a technological alternative that can't be dominated by societal dynamics. And it turns out that there apparently isn't such a possibility, for the reason that non-centralized entropy can't be injected into an alternative that does not otherwise have a 51% attack. As I detailed in a link up thread.
You realy need to let go of bitcoin as a magical technology that will free you from the tyrany of society.
Indeed I have.
What would actually help is to stop consuming all the products pushed on to you by the tyranny. Stop using bitcoins, stop using the internet, stop using computers, stop using cars, stop using supermarkets, grow your own food, don't visit doctors or hospitals, dig your own water pit, and have enough land to do it all without taking away from others.
Nonsense. None of that would stop the guaranteed failure of statism over and over in history.
But clearly you have it too good in the current situation to do all these things that are required to live a 'free' life.
That all comes from technology, which the statism fights against, by propping up the old paradigms with debt. Thus leading the repeating 78 year failure as technology advances and people don't
The two world wars were due to cottage industry disrupted by mass production and thus massive unemployment.
The current one is about the personal computer disrupting western employment. First the jobs went the China to compete against automation, now the jobs are leaving china as the automation has gotten more efficient as wages have risen in China.
The prior ones on the 1700 and 1800s were soil technology revolutions that increased yields and displaced agricultural workers. There was also the first industrial revolution and the railroad bubble.
It's funny to see people pretend to be revolutionaries that then use the tools provided to them by the system they oppose to prove the system is wrong. Their support of the system is contradictionary to their statements.
You are twisted. I never argued against using technology. I am one of the biggest proponents of technology you will find.
If you want real change then the first thing to do is switch off the computer.
The next thing to do is figure out how you can get all these nice things without any statism.
As if the computer depends on statism
![Roll Eyes](
What an idiot. You conflate orthogonal things.
Again with the brain twisting.
We have had technology to wipe out the whole world population for over a hundred years now.
There are chemicals that, once injected into the atmosphere, would kill almost all people.
So this could have been done even before the first world war, if that was the goal.
No dimwit. There are real people with real hearts (majors, corporals, etc) between those buttons and the world annihilation.
Also the statism can't overtly kill everyone and have any support. It must pretend to have good versus bad, so the people fall into their trap of wanting everything they want irrespective of cost.
Also nuclear winter won't kill everyone. The likely survivors would include many hard-core anti-government folk.
The thought that statism doesnt kill everyone because of inefficiency is truely bizar.
Learn to spell, bizarre.
The efficiency has to operate within conventional war, where the excuse (illusion) of good vs. bad can be maintained.
The megadeaths occur where the population is disarmed and the government has been given the arms.
What i can make of it is that you trust that some un-subvertable technologies will save your ass.
That was the proposition. Research revealed it isn't possible.
If you would indeed be an experienced programmer like you claim you are you would know by heart that there is no such thing as a system that cannot be subverted.
There are varying degrees of subversion. If all technology was fully subvertable, nothing would function. This is stupid generalization. We look at the specifics and come to a conclusion based on the facts, as I did.
It is a stupid proposition to hope that technology will save your ass.
It is the only thing that has saved mankind's ass, starting since at least the invention of tools and fire.
There is no 78 year technological disruption cycle.
If there are any cycles than they must be accelerating.
Read all comments above and below the linked chart: for the page to load the specific comment down the page, which has an unformatted textual table of dates and technology disruptions and the wars caused by the unemployment due to technology disruptions)
If the comment doesn't scroll into view after clicking the above link, then search down the page for "armstrong" then look for the comment with the table.
Note that linked site is sometimes down due to overloaded server. Keep trying it. I will also try to find another copy of the information and provide a link in future post.