You link to whiners that whine about workers disappearing in the US.
Well guess what! The Chinese have your work now! Cheap chinese labor is the real disruptive force. China as an economic power is a disruptive force (as has been predicted for decenia).
Funny how you didn't notice this but instead blame computers for it. Thu tukkin mu jub!
It is instructive that you missed the part about the manufacturing is leaving China back to USA where it is now highly automated.
I wish you wouldn't spam the thread with so many multiple instances of low comprehension.
Your new questions are valid, but not where you want to force me repeat arguments already made.
In fact, please provide figures that make it clear that the computer revolution (lets take the first intel cpu as a starting point, around 1970) reduced jobs and caused unemployment. Please make it so that it is clear that unemployment was caused by computers and not by other factors.
Maybe you can start by comparing unemployment rate with PC penetration, see what you get.
Are you denying that mass production destroyed cottage industry and caused massive unemployment during the first 1/3 of the 1900s?
No, but mass production created incredible amounts of opportunities for people.
The automobile was not produced by cottage industry.
Note how much the world advanced due to automobiles.
Still no figures? Thought so.
I already pointed out to you on the prior page of this thread, that it is the shift from old employment skills to new ones and statism delaying that adjustment by feeding people debt, that is the cause of the decades of unemployment, war and destruction.
Then the statism is destroyed (debt is erased) and the youth rebuild with their skills in the new technology. This will happen now until the reset in 2033.
Happens every 78 years. I am not going to explain it further. It is up to you to go do some research. I provided the pointers.
A supporting sliver of data is that very high youth unemployment (especially in Europe) because the boomers have the statism captured and award themselves government jobs and aid.
The youth will win after 2033, when the boomers will be put down into debt implosion.
Note I am not asserting that there is only one cycle, or one phenomenon. There surely exists a plurality of overlapping cycles and phenomena. And I am not asserting that the
CLEARLY REPEATING THROUGHOUT HISTORY 78 year real estate boom+bust cycle (which I have associated with technological shift) is proven unequivocally-- almost everything in life is a theory backed by reasonable evidence, until disproven. Macro economics is particularly complex, because most likely is a multivariate solution space.
Note it is 52 years boom, followed by 26 years bust. In the USA, that was bust 1929 to 1955 (reset after WW2), then boom to 2007, now bust to 2033. (we have a 3-5 year bounce now due to global capital confidence cycle model where capital is rushing into the dollar as Europe and Japan near implosion first). The cycle repeats going back to 1700s at least. I didn't check it before that, but Martin Armstrong claims he has.
Here again is the link to the Case-Schiller housing price chart for past century, to illustrate this: the dates don't exactly agree with the 1929 to 1955, because the USA was not in isolation. Europe had its cycle start earlier and capital was fleeing Europe into the USA after WW1 which caused the bounce before the crash again after 1929.
Also I am not sure if we can trust the price action in dollars in 1910 as comparative to the price action after the Fed was created in 1913. Before that the money was gold and after that the money was fiat. When gold is money, we must usually adjust prices for deflation and vice versa when fiat is money. So this can be another reason the housing crash appears to start in 1915 instead of 1929, when the economy truly crashed. We know the 1920s were booms times, and it was because gold was flooding into the USA.
Similarly we know the USA was bleeding jobs much earlier than 2007, and it was debt that was holding the economy up and prices may have peaked sooner if we used a non-liar inflation stats such as
http://shadowstats.comAnd this was due to global flows of capital and jobs to China for example.
Capital tries to flow where it can earn the highest short term return.
In any case, anyone who argues that we don't have massive low skills unemployment in the world today, due to the requirement for skills being raised by the computer, is in denial.
The unemployment is not just because of too much debt and failed policies, because today I could offer them a job if they knew how to program a computer. But they don't. The debt just enabled these people to stay longer in the jobs with no future. Without the debt, they would have been forced much sooner to reeducate.
Just read this about India's low education and labor laws, means most modern manufacturing there is done by robots not human labor: computer has enabled routing around these failed statist policies.