It's something else, the mentality of people perhaps? I have no clue actually, Americans are probably a little bit too gun crazy but assuming the same would happen in Europe when you allowed guns is wrong in my opinion.
Well, three of the examples you quoted have more guns than the UK and less than the US, and have more gun deaths than the UK and less than the US, so I'm not sure what your point is there. Jamaica and many other countries with higher gun death rate than the US (e.g. Somalia) are outliers because the rule of law in general is weak, the police are corrupt, and border controls are poor, making it very difficult to control gun ownership. It is not only a matter of outlawing them, but being able to properly enforce that law. As you've kindly demonstrated, the correlation between gun density and gun deaths still holds.
"The estimated rate of private gun ownership (both licit and illicit) in Jamaica is 8.11 firearms per 100 people"With only 8.11 firearms they do a pretty good job at enforcing that law.
My point was that there are death rates in countries with strict gun laws that are higher than countries with less strict gun laws and more guns. And these figures show that the correlation between gun density and deaths don't hold, you can't dismiss the numbers from the same site if they don't comply with your theory. The numbers for Jamaica are what they are, less guns than for example Sweden but more deaths.
The Netherlands have btw less guns than the UK but more deaths.
Honduras has only 6.21 firearms per 100 people but 64.8 deaths.
And so on, but with statistics you can prove anything off course, as long as you pick the right data that fit into your theory. But to be more ontopic, in regard of Bitcoin Town, the average IQ of this community is way above the average of any country. And I can say that in a country where the average IQ would be pretty high and the moral and general happiness pretty good. We won't see many gun accidents, I actually dare to say, we wouldn't see many guns either. But people should have the freedom to have one if they wanted. If we pick our residents carefully, we shouldn't have to worry about someone who likes to have a gun and practices from time to time with it on a shooting range. Many residents of something like Bitcoin Town will probably be engaged in many shootings, but I'm sure they will only take place in games like COD or Battlefield.
Suicide is a non-argument anyway, I don't need a gun to kill myself, a rope is just as effective. And those homicides, I can take a knife or a hammer and kill someone too. I won't ever do those things though, not with or without a gun.
It certainly isn't a non-argument - a gun is by any measure the easiest and fastest way of killing yourself. In the time it takes to buy a rope, tie a noose, find a chair etc., many people will have second thoughts. The same argument applies to homicide - it is difficult and risky, not to mention visceral, bloody and horrifyingly intimate, to kill some-one with a knife or a hammer, whereas a gun can be used at a relative distance with ease and detachment.
Certainly if you are utterly, mercilessly determined to kill yourself or some-one else then you will be able to, but that doesn't apply in most cases, and guns make it
easy to go through with it. The presence of guns also has the ability to turn any angry or violent confrontation into a murder scene in the heat of the moment.
Do you have any response to the fact that you are
more likely to be killed if you have a gun in your home, not less? Self-defence?
Who doesn't have some rope in the house? And finding a chair? How long does it take to find a chair in your house? You're probably sitting on one right now.
That way you also can say "In the time it takes to go to a shop, buy a gun and bullets, load the gun, pull the trigger,..." Way faster to just take that kitchen knife and cut an artery. If you want to kill yourself, you will find a way and you'll probably thought about it for awhile before taking the step.
A crowbar is just as easy to kill someone in the heat of the moment, if someone is that angry to be able to pull the trigger of a gun he's able to kill someone with anything he can grab.
And sure I have a response, it is also more likely you'll get bitten by a dog if you own dogs. Due to adequate obedience training none of my dogs have ever bitten and the chances they will are pretty slim. Responsible gun ownership won't higher your chances of being killed, enough examples of people who successfully defended their home against intruders.
1 example: