I had a vision for an anarcho-capitalist free city state which I suppose is somewhat similar to this bitcoin town thingy, but I wouldn't start it anywhere inside of US territory. My idea was to found it somewhere in the world that had a weak or non-existant government. My favourite spot would be the western sahara. The only government to have a claim on it is Morocco but no one else recognises their claim least of all the locals. It is one of the most sparsely populated places on earth so there is lots of land up for grabs. It is just desert with no natural resources except sunlight and sand but then so is dubai...
http://www.panoramio.com/photo_explorer#view=photo&position=16&with_photo_id=78942437&order=date_desc&user=374562It so happens that I did a little research on this part of the world.
https://maps.google.com/maps?q=20.830800%C2%B0,+-17.089000%C2%B0&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0xea1b1099525a865:0xc0a0707316aff14c,20.830800%C2%B0,+-17.089000%C2%B0&gl=us&ei=xDK2UYztFc3aigK06ICgAw&ved=0CDAQ8gEwAAHere are some open source (wikipedia) files:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_G%C3%BCerahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Saharahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauritaniahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccan_Wallhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahrawi_Arab_Democratic_RepublicA reasonable approach would be to get immigration visas from the Moroccan government so you have a recognized international document. This is handy for dealing with those pesky immigration border guards in all those existing nations.
Then arrange for property rights to the ghost town of Lagouira to be transferred to your international corporation. This is nice because if you own the land, in addition to occupying it, it makes all the other folks who own land want to support your claim.
Now, access Lagouira via the land path / sea path from Mauritania. This is nice since you essentially are an out of country destination for them so they don't really want to deal with you beyond extracting a few "tolls" and sending you on your way.
Now the fun begins...
You are outside of the territory protected by the Moroccan Wall, which is the de facto demarcation between the land controlled by the Moroccan government and the land controlled by the SAD (see link above). You have gained legal residency status from Morocco, so they should not be bugging you. Now you negotiate a non-aggression pact with the SAD. The Mauritania government will be happy as long as you provide law and order and bring business to their little sea port.
All you have to do now is handle the pesky little problems of water supply, electric grid and internet connectivity. And don't forget to dig out the town, keep the local fisher folk happy and set up a viable economy for your little town/sovereign country.