In this list are the losses.
ML= Money Lost; MS = Money Sent; MR = Money Recovered
ML = MS - MR
icecreamgenius = $40k
joystickj = $37k
Casimir1904 = $25k
jimmad13 = $24k
timothyvail = $20k
varChar = $14.5k
pawlo74 = $12k
c0c0 = $10k
Karsten Holland = $8760
tonyca = $5964.1
Centaurus = $5k
justGotConned (Jeebs007) = $4.1k
tuktukracer = $3k
proximator = $2.4K
Attie707 = $2k
aerensoy = $2k
ranlo = $1.8k
Forgaria = 1578$
zwickl = $1.3k
tywe = $1,230.95
puma1888 = $1.2k
Digicoinz = $1.1k
Mr_River_x = $0.9K
List getting bigger, Centaurus if you can add Tottal Amount at the end ?
Thank about your sugestion, I can post the sum at every 20 losts.
Grinder has reason when said that this list is very very far from the total losses.
When I see various peoples asking to me to include your name in the "Losses List", I have perceived that these people feels more comfortable just by having your lost registered in a list with other similar persons.
But the limite brain of Grinder don't comunicate corretly with her stupid mouth, because I don't have motivations to don't lead to the autorities a type of sucker like her that is posting blasphemes!
I was not who started this list, as anyone can see only adopted this list just because no other person do.
The people with her losses in this list are not "sucker" as Grinder is talking.
These people are persons who deserves regards of all others.
The most of us are persons who are in finacial difficulties and who, at a despair moment, naively we trust in a malicious group.