GitHub is probably better place for peer review and discussing patches than reddit:
I guess Peter Todd knows that too, but just couldn't resist posting a good propaganda piece on Reddit.
Anyway the patch works to limit mempool size, so can be enabled during the current "stress test" if needed. There's also some follow up ideas on Bitcoin XT mailing list like picking two random transactions and evicting the lower fee/kB one. In case you have more insight to the issue I'm sure that constructive criticism is appreciated.
Am I hearing you correctly? It's okay for Hearn to post a short, generalized summary of an XT patch, but it's wrong for someone else to follow up with important vulnerability details about the patch, and comment on the patch's review process?
If the latter is propaganda, what is the former?
Peter's comments are fine, and it's fine to use that an example of why peer review is good...But irrelevant to the important goal of scaling Bitcoin on the main chain.