Core devs control the code that ~85% of the network nodes elect to run. This is presently Bitcoin's greatest point of centralization.
Right. So it wouldn't be unreasonable that Gavin would would ask for "only" 75% consensus to offset the status quo bias.
At least in my opinion.
This is more conflation of decentralization of "development" vs. that of the protocol. Consensus refers to the protocol -- not the node client. That the development process is centralized is absolutely no excuse to compromise the basic, basic principle of consensus. 75% to hard fork is 75%, no matter how you rationalize it.
If Core doesn't scale expect a divorce at some point. Even if it means forking at 50%. I will personally be fine with it.
Enjoy your 0.50$ bitcoin then.
I wonder which coin will worth 0.50$. The one that scales and is useful or the one that doesn't and is useless?
Please advice.
If Bitcoin is forked by 50% the trust in cryptocurrency in general will be destroyed.
You really are clueless about what a hardfork entails heh?
It will be great if those notorious warriors who notoriously call others noobs, n00bs, redditards, idiots and alike, will be finally forked out of the game. The soonisher the better.
A consensus with such characters is not possible.