Also with fiat money you don't have a government made up of luke and his friends that launch crusades against tainted coins
I think I need to clarify my position here:
- Coins that have theft in their history ("tainted coins") shouldn't be taken out of circulation
- People who knowingly accepted coins they know came from a computer break-in and fraud ("stolen coins") should return them
Says who? You? How can they be sure that what you or anyone else say is stolen is actually stolen? When have the rest of us agreed to your "oughts"?
- People who knowingly accept stolen coins and insist they are their own are guilty themselves to some degree
Again how can people be sure what you or anyone else describes is stolen is actually stolen?
- I never demanded people return the coins to Bitcoinica or the address I created for them. I politely asked and made it easy for honest people to do so
In a free society with some mandatroy and consistent rules (i.e. anarchy) that's all you can do.
- I don't have the authority to prosecute people who don't return stolen coins, or even the original criminal
In a free society with some mandatroy and consistent rules (i.e. anarchy) no one does without a prearranged contract with the party found guilty of a theft.
- Tainted coins should be flagged as such, using arbitrary algorithms, for the purposes of finding the criminal
Again, who will make the determination what is a genuine stolen coin and what is not? You?
- MtGox and other service providers are justified in requiring additional verification before making withdrawls, if you have deposited a significant amount of tainted coins
Says who, you? Was this specified beforehand in the contract these service providers have with their clients?
- The government does have the authority to investigate and prosecute these cases
Yeah? Where did they get this authority from? Did we agree to this? Did we give our consent?
- Everyone with information on these cases should cooperate with law enforcement's investigation
Says who? You? Why should I? Did I sign a contract I would?
- Even confidential information on these cases should be shared with law enforcement after they have followed due process for their jurisdiction
Again says who? You? Why should I? Did I sign a contract I would?
Luke I'm deeply disappointed to see such arrogance and presumption of authority over other free people. Bitcoin doesn't care for the monopolies of violence that are the governments and their laws in the real world and their merely presumed and under threat of violence enforced authority and if we want this to remain a market regulated by strictly us, the market consumers, neither should we.
There are no guarantees in life, especially not when one has true freedom. That's why man invented insurance. If you are afraid of a theft, insure your belongings, if you can't get insurance, improve your security but don't assume you can punish other free people for your lack of preparation for tackling the risk preemptively.
As for the thief, if he is caught prevent him from being part of society until he repays the damages by preventing him from doing any further transactions through his identity. Problem solved.
Just please, I beg you and anyone thinking like you, stop supporting that stupid and destructive tyranny that we have in the real world today of slavery and monopolies on violence.