Hehe, not at all, don't get me wrong. SwC has been very generous and you did a fantastic job organizing all this sponsoring. I am happy with the way the series is all in all, but the trend shows some decline in participants and how do you get more people to join and stay around ? Money Money always works.
But there is the "Quadratur des Kreises", where you need to make everyone happy with low entry fees - low entry fees to keep attracting new players. And then the winners also want to win more than their entry fee^^ So with the "fixed" sponsoring we get from SwC, we would need to up the fees we pay and I am fine with that.
I think this series works with a minimum of 18 regular players, but anything lower than that probably not longterm. And then again, the series doesn't work with like 100 regular participants imo unless you make big changes (to internal point structure mainly). So there needs to be some equilibrium.
Good news. Here needs to be some rule then as well, like minimum of 6/8 tournaments played or whatever.
My proposal
- Entry fee: 1300
- 100 chips go to Grand Final
- 200 chips go to lottery
- there will be a small final (sponsored by SwC ?) for all participants that joined minimum 6/8 tournaments
- every participant is eligible for lottery, tickets are based on # of participations and points accumulated
For the series #2, this would transfer to:
- 14,500 chips additional prize money for Grand Final
- eligible for small final: tyKiwanuka, SyGambler, Improved, Trofo, BitcoinGirlClub, morvillz7z, jayce (too few, but should get better with new structure then)
- 29,000 chips for the lottery and the following number of tickets per user:
- per every 10k chips, one prize is created for the lottery, so 29k chips = 3 prizes á 9666 chips, only one prize per user max.
- the overall prize money for Grand Final would be a bit lower then, but these players can still get prize from lottery