I would suggest to stop using bitcrack until it is updated, if ever.
A 4090 using the vanitysearch with bitcrack option, gets 5000 MKey/s, and using KeyHuntCuda, a 4090 gets over 6000 MKey/s.
You are wasting MKey/s by still trying to use bitcrack, IMO.
Indeed speed is way faster but the problem i've encountered with KeyHuntCuda is that the if the address is in the last key of the range won't find it..(1st key no problem) tried adding +1 and sometimes is found some times not.. tested 10x
I've compiled it with multiple versions of cuda and g++ and still have the same issue.. i wonder if it's used with multiple gpu's and the space is split between the gpu's what if the searched address is in the last key from share 2/8 gpu's will it be found ?.. haven't tested as the split ranges are not shown.. (might test bit later to split range and get last key2address from share2/8)
With BitCrack had no issues.. it is slower but always spot on.
ubuntu22.04 and 4090
on a single 4090 i get ~3600 with -b 8192 -t 64 -p 368 (running more than 1 command on the same system u get out of memory error.)
on multiple 4090's on the same system best is -b 4096 -t 128 -p 256 and you get around ~3300 depending on card.. power..cooling etc.
using nvidia-smi you can see temps,fans and most important to check if you have a power cap.. 400-500W cap is ok under 400W you will see a drop in keyspeed.
best of luck with them puzzles.