side note, dev: web wallet wise, have you seen NEOS? they run a daemon that runs a local web wallet similar to how NXT or any of the crypto 2.0 chains open up a localhost site, and were able to integrate a lot of info to be pulled from pool info to pricing, etc from websites. not sure if that fits into your model of displaying info or not. theres the option to run the wallet or a daemon for webwallet though i havent looked at it in a while.
By connecting to the exchange, i mean that the wallet updates the balance in your wallet, recalculates and does things like redeem your due payments. Wallet will also look up your exchange account for your balances in all currencies, making this data available to you in the wallet. I will take a look at neos, but by the sounds of it they are running a setup that is vulnerable to web-type attacks. Our version will likely use Json or some other variant. It basically becomes an extension that allows interface with your online account without ceding control of your local privkeys. This is all theoretical until i start coding so take it with a tablespoon of salt.
Any Masternode guide is compatible with BCR.
So much work to do!!! Just started rummaging in getblocktemplate, alganonim reminded me that i hadn't finished coding some changes.