Don't want to trade PU's, don't want to sign anything that stupid as this piece of shit you send to me.
Some of the CryptoMex members are in direct communication with the SFC (Hong Kong regulator) regarding and have been for a while now. The documents requested are as a direct result of this communication, as well as advice from the CryptoMex financial legal counsel.
When buying shares I wasn't sign for such a bullshit. You have my wallet address, send dividends there or buy back my shares.
The main problem with direct payments is not technical, it's social. People use deposit addresses for closed exchanges (see MtGox) and sometimes lose or change wallets. The management overhead required to maintain these lists on behalf of users is substantial, and even if handled 100% correctly people sometimes forget to notify the issuer, or notify the issuer too late of changes. When a payment is then sent to such addresses (sendmany) it causes further problems of irrecoverable funds. Having a user be able to directly specify a withdrawal address on a platform, then request that payout directly removes this problem.