Any implementation of bots should include a minimum fee for bots and a minimum time that an order has to be present to allow a human to execute against the bid or offer. Otherwise you will have bot vs. bot battles that make your site unusable by humans.
The history of BTC securities is littered with the wreckage of scams, frauds, and incompetent management. You need to take some protective steps to prevent ripoffs. A few suggestions:
- have some level of peer review for new issues
- require an actual legal entity or verified identification of the issuer
- vet statements for accuracy. AMC's bullshit revenue forecasts being spammed on the front page every day make you look like a fool.
To be honest, I could not agree more.
Fee's, well, that's why were in the discussion.
I have been debating a while about special fees or costs and special time restrictions/allowances for API trading.
As for asset listings, much like I mentioned above for the chatbox idea, I am considering requiring all asset issuers be WeExchange verified. Full AML/KYC doc's.
Currently, I have been manually verifying any BFL/Avalon orders people claim to have. I will not allow anyone say "I have XXX" without proof.
As for checking statements, I too have been very annoyed over the past month about the news system.
Currently, like other sites, issuer's can post whatever they feel in real time. I am looking to change news posts to need an approval process.
I think it's great that you are requiring proof of orders.
My big beef with AMC is not his Avalon mining plans. It is his claims to be building his own silicon. It is BFL all over again. He and his people have no competency in the field, and no idea of the capital required to deliver devices at the process nodes they claim to be working on delivering a device.
Want to sell stock in a company to develop a device? Include a stack of resumes showing a background in the field, and a real schedule and budget to get the job done.