THANKS for the IDEA!!!
Yeah -- it is EASY in the winter -- summer is when it is tough.
But, unlike those number crunchers who doom and gloom each and EVERY year -- I am just THRILLED to get the latest and greatest miners added to my hobby. I've been mining since 2011, and although I've lost a lot of coin to Gox, Cloud Mining scam, blockchain, and others (not to be mentioned), I'm STILL way ahead.
It is a VERY PROFITABLE hobby -- unlike MOST hobbies.
If I lose THIS YEAR -- I'm STILL way ahead!!!
That is the way I look at it...
Summer mining is not that bad it just takes finding out what you need in your area. It is very location based as there are multiple way's for cooling, and different climates have best way's for them.
I sadly am not in a place where evaporation cooling works in my weather. So I use lot's of CFM's of fan's in my mining area it took last summer to fine tune it in but this summer was easy with it all in place. So really just takes once on setting up for summer. And it depends on how many watt's of miners your running on how much heat you have to deal with.
If not a lot of miners much easier. I have two big fan's and a professional gable fan that do good for my mining area. Again goes back to fine tuning I had to get a professional gable fan as regular house one's were just not exhausting enough heat for amount of miners I run sometimes. Here is my journey to find a good way to cool my miners -